Kung fu panda 2 was sooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw it on the day I saw Pirates of the Caribbean the new movie.
I love JACK BLACK! He is awesome, and he was just as funny in this movie as he was on the first one.
Watch it, well wait.. no I take that back. No wait I don't... Hmmmm.. Watch it if you like cute animated movies. There you go. Lol (:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Day 3(Creative Writing) - Favorite Food
Okay, so this one is going to be hard...
My favorite type of food is Chinese food.....
She usually didn't eat Chinese food, even though it is the best type of food in her eyes and taste buds. The adventures she has to go through to get her way. Once she went out of her way on her journey home from school just to get some of this piece of heaven. She got there and bough her favorite Chinese food dishes, Chow mein, Broccoli beef, and Terijaki. She knows that this might not be the real thing, that in China the food might actually be completely different, that is why she is still hoping one day she'll go to Chinatown in San Francisco and try the real thing. Chinese food is so special to her that she can't bare to share it with no one that is not special to her. Only people she has had it with are her family, the people very close to her. Her parents, her sister, her uncles, her favorite cousins, some of her close friends, and she hopes one day her husband and her children. She has gotten invitations before, to have Chinese food, her friends, but for some reason she feels like that would be betraying her people. So she sends her deep apologies to her friends. So cheers to Chinese food!
There (: A short story on Chinese food(: lol
My favorite type of food is Chinese food.....
She usually didn't eat Chinese food, even though it is the best type of food in her eyes and taste buds. The adventures she has to go through to get her way. Once she went out of her way on her journey home from school just to get some of this piece of heaven. She got there and bough her favorite Chinese food dishes, Chow mein, Broccoli beef, and Terijaki. She knows that this might not be the real thing, that in China the food might actually be completely different, that is why she is still hoping one day she'll go to Chinatown in San Francisco and try the real thing. Chinese food is so special to her that she can't bare to share it with no one that is not special to her. Only people she has had it with are her family, the people very close to her. Her parents, her sister, her uncles, her favorite cousins, some of her close friends, and she hopes one day her husband and her children. She has gotten invitations before, to have Chinese food, her friends, but for some reason she feels like that would be betraying her people. So she sends her deep apologies to her friends. So cheers to Chinese food!
There (: A short story on Chinese food(: lol
Monday, May 30, 2011
It has been a year......
........ since I first started writing here
I just realized, wouldn't it have been great if I had remembered earlier. Anyway, last year, around may I started this blog... I wrote about how I am just writing here to get myself out there, how I don't really care if no one reads this... I am quite sure no one does, but I should have a few fellow readers here and there. Right... ?
The fact that I write, and leave my mark out there is enough, you know? Even if I know that my writing doesn't influence anyone, even if I know that people can read this and completely forget about it the next day, I know that it is getting me closer to my dream. That one day everyone will read what I wrote, one day my voice will be heard, one day I will make a difference. For now I am just happy to have a voice(: Even if it is just a faint whisper in this enormous world that we call the "internet" haha (:
So, happy one year anniversary to SAKURANNIE♥ Because I thought that I wouldn't make it this far, because I thought that it would die, because I continued to write!
If anyone reads this, thank you! (:
I just realized, wouldn't it have been great if I had remembered earlier. Anyway, last year, around may I started this blog... I wrote about how I am just writing here to get myself out there, how I don't really care if no one reads this... I am quite sure no one does, but I should have a few fellow readers here and there. Right... ?
The fact that I write, and leave my mark out there is enough, you know? Even if I know that my writing doesn't influence anyone, even if I know that people can read this and completely forget about it the next day, I know that it is getting me closer to my dream. That one day everyone will read what I wrote, one day my voice will be heard, one day I will make a difference. For now I am just happy to have a voice(: Even if it is just a faint whisper in this enormous world that we call the "internet" haha (:
So, happy one year anniversary to SAKURANNIE♥ Because I thought that I wouldn't make it this far, because I thought that it would die, because I continued to write!
If anyone reads this, thank you! (:
Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger tides
I saw this movie last night!! It was awesome!!!! I want to watch it again!! I did miss Orlando though, but the movie was so well made, that throughout the film I completely forgot he had once had a role with this crazy pirate! (:
I recommend everyone to watch it! It was good, maybe not as good as some of the prior movies of the series but it came on very close! (: Also, Penelope Cruz did a magnificent acting job in the Pirate's movie. I've known her for quite some time, with her being of Spanish decent, I didn't have a clue that she could ever be a pirate, but she did her role and succeeded! Kudos to her(:
Image via WikipediaFor those who don't know what this movie is about.. Who am I kidding!? Everyone knows what this movie is about!!! Who doesn't know who the awesome Captain Jack Sparrow is?? Who doesn't love Johnny Depp!? Well I don't know... there probably are a couple Haters out there. Anyway, this Pirates movie is quite the shocker, there are many things that happen that I would have never imagined.
So watch it!!! It is an order!! Lol, just kidding. But really if you have to wait for it to come on DVD do so, but watch it (:
So watch it!!! It is an order!! Lol, just kidding. But really if you have to wait for it to come on DVD do so, but watch it (:
Day 2(Creative Writing) - A couple
She was always there,
he was always there.
It took them just a couple of years to notice each others existence,
even so, it took an outside force for them to meet.
When they finally bumped on each other during their life journey
they became a little more than strangers to each others eyes,
they talked,
he knew that she existed,
she knew that he was alive.
Through time their friendship grew,
their vision of the other expanded.
Through time their love grew.
Before any of them knew it,
before anyone could blink,
they were both falling, they fell
and now they have each in the others arms.
They spend every minute they can together.
He looks in her eyes like she's the only girl in the world.
She looks in his eyes like he is the only guy on earth.
Their love is honest and pure,
and they enjoy their time together.
Their love keeps growing and growing.
A short piece of prose, what a perfect relationship this would be♥
She was always there,
he was always there.
It took them just a couple of years to notice each others existence,
even so, it took an outside force for them to meet.
When they finally bumped on each other during their life journey
they became a little more than strangers to each others eyes,
they talked,
he knew that she existed,
she knew that he was alive.
Through time their friendship grew,
their vision of the other expanded.
Through time their love grew.
Before any of them knew it,
before anyone could blink,
they were both falling, they fell
and now they have each in the others arms.
They spend every minute they can together.
He looks in her eyes like she's the only girl in the world.
She looks in his eyes like he is the only guy on earth.
Their love is honest and pure,
and they enjoy their time together.
Their love keeps growing and growing.
A short piece of prose, what a perfect relationship this would be♥
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day 1(Creative Writing) - Something I love
Something I love...
Something I love is reading, wow aren't I so funny? Out of everything I could have chosen I chose reading... Nice going Annie, well yeah it is true, but I only chose reading because if it had said someone it would have been one and only one person.
Okay, so reading is like going into a whole different world for me. I used to read because it was the way that I escaped.
If I felt sad, I read a book
If I felt angry, I read a book
If I felt happy, I read a book
If I wanted a friend, I read a book
If I wanted to know something about love, I read a book
Funny how it was the only thing I'd do, no matter how I felt, it was always a book. Now it is music.... Well no, that is worded wrong, now it is reading AND music. Both of those are my escapes...
Reading wasn't about the words on the pages, but more about the world in between all those pages. I always loved the whole new world in there. That is what brought me to writing too, I started reading, and I decided that I should be able to create a whole new world like all those books.. So since this is about reading and books... practically, I'll attach a poem I wrote once....
Hope you like it (:
Something I love is reading, wow aren't I so funny? Out of everything I could have chosen I chose reading... Nice going Annie, well yeah it is true, but I only chose reading because if it had said someone it would have been one and only one person.
Okay, so reading is like going into a whole different world for me. I used to read because it was the way that I escaped.
If I felt sad, I read a book
If I felt angry, I read a book
If I felt happy, I read a book
If I wanted a friend, I read a book
If I wanted to know something about love, I read a book
Funny how it was the only thing I'd do, no matter how I felt, it was always a book. Now it is music.... Well no, that is worded wrong, now it is reading AND music. Both of those are my escapes...
Reading wasn't about the words on the pages, but more about the world in between all those pages. I always loved the whole new world in there. That is what brought me to writing too, I started reading, and I decided that I should be able to create a whole new world like all those books.. So since this is about reading and books... practically, I'll attach a poem I wrote once....
Hope you like it (:
Ode to Books
Books, words, pages,
They wouldn’t be alive if writers had not been born through the ages.
All the words and letters that had been spoken
Will never let the spell be broken.
All the fantasy fairies,
All the boys that get stuffed with berries,
Where were they found? I ask.
Books, where else, that is their task,
To write, bring alive all those worlds
That danced and swirled.
The spells, the magic, the elves,
The fearless vampires, the scary wolves,
The rubies, diamonds, time machines
And all those troubled teens.
Where do you find all those unexplained realities?
Where else but in the books with abnormalities.
30 Day Creative Writing Challenge
This one is going to be a lot of fun!! lol (:
There's so much that I can say about most of these subjects...
17. “The key to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” —Albert Einstien
19. Pirate-Ninja-Zombie Wars
20. A short fanfic.
21. Something… erotic.
22. Something irritating.
23. An argument.
24. An important conversation, in the style of a movie script.
25. Volcanoes!
26. Yourself.
27. A favorite beverage.
28. A suicide note.
29. An idea.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Update on: To-do-list of 2011
So... You probably don't remember but last year I created a list of things to do this year... and I am posting this so you can see my progress and the things I want to add to it (: or added (;
Here you go... once again(:
Things to do in 2011
-Fall in love..... ♥☺♥ (in the process♥☺)
-Go to a dance ♪♫♪
-Get Internship for local Newspaper
-Get a job $$$$
-Go to Vegas and actually have fun
-Watch movies 24 hours straight! :)
-Learn Japanese
-Golden Gate Bridge
-Six Flags
-Run in the rain
-Go to Mexico and watch "el castillo"
-Cook a cake from scratch!
-Go to the beach this summer
-Knotts Scary Farm
-Go to the fair(Strawberry Festival)
-Watch fireworks with my boyfriend♥
-Play video games with him♥
-Ball room dancing for my senior project
-Have a second Lucid dream
That is pretty much it (:
I will keep adding to it though, and I will keep coming back to show you what I have completed. (:
Here you go... once again(:
Things to do in 2011
-Get a job $$$$
-Go to Vegas and actually have fun
-Watch movies 24 hours straight! :)
-Golden Gate Bridge
-Six Flags
-Cook a cake from scratch!
-Go to the beach this summer
-Knotts Scary Farm
-Watch fireworks with my boyfriend♥
-Play video games with him♥
-Ball room dancing for my senior project
-Have a second Lucid dream
That is pretty much it (:
I will keep adding to it though, and I will keep coming back to show you what I have completed. (:
Could this have been another lucid dream.....?
So this is very quite strange, I think that for the first time I had a dream within a dream.... Weird huh.....
I dreamed that someone was getting married, I believe it was a little girl... We were at her wedding ceremony and all of the sudden some sort of missiles are shot at everyone. No one knows where to go, a limo appears and everyone goes in it. However, I stay behind... and then I wake up.
Turns out I am in some sort of pool recreation park with my boyfriend. It is a big pool where we are at, my boyfriend and I are just swimming, and then he realizes that something is wrong, so I start telling him that I had a dream, a very funny dream. I show his a drawing of the airplanes and explain the dream to him. He doesn't really tell me anything. I tried to recreate the drawing I showed him but it turned out worse than I thought, I'll scan it when I get a chance. Anyway, then he decides that I should forget about it and that we should just have fun. So we do. We start just swimming, and then I swim to where the little kids are at and then the water starts draining or disappearing, I don't know. I call for my boyfriend and he's right next to me. He finds that I have gotten injured, I have a big gash on my knee. He puts something on it and it feels better. After some time the pool is refilled. My boyfriend holds my hand and takes me back to where we were on the first place.
Then something weird happens, I don't know how but now we find ourselves in the supermarket. I have no clue how we got here, and no clue what we are doing there. We start looking for stuff. He gets fish, and I get fruits. Then when we are on the way out we both bump into a crate of apples and they all fall to the ground...
Then I hear my dad talking in the phone, turns out my boyfriend's dad is coming to my house.. Oh, lol that's not part of the dream, but that is how and why I woke up. I started freaking out because that might mean that my boyfriend is also on the way. Hahaha, just in case you want to know, he didn't come, it was just his dad who came to pick my dad up (:
Happy Saturday!!!
I dreamed that someone was getting married, I believe it was a little girl... We were at her wedding ceremony and all of the sudden some sort of missiles are shot at everyone. No one knows where to go, a limo appears and everyone goes in it. However, I stay behind... and then I wake up.
Turns out I am in some sort of pool recreation park with my boyfriend. It is a big pool where we are at, my boyfriend and I are just swimming, and then he realizes that something is wrong, so I start telling him that I had a dream, a very funny dream. I show his a drawing of the airplanes and explain the dream to him. He doesn't really tell me anything. I tried to recreate the drawing I showed him but it turned out worse than I thought, I'll scan it when I get a chance. Anyway, then he decides that I should forget about it and that we should just have fun. So we do. We start just swimming, and then I swim to where the little kids are at and then the water starts draining or disappearing, I don't know. I call for my boyfriend and he's right next to me. He finds that I have gotten injured, I have a big gash on my knee. He puts something on it and it feels better. After some time the pool is refilled. My boyfriend holds my hand and takes me back to where we were on the first place.
Then something weird happens, I don't know how but now we find ourselves in the supermarket. I have no clue how we got here, and no clue what we are doing there. We start looking for stuff. He gets fish, and I get fruits. Then when we are on the way out we both bump into a crate of apples and they all fall to the ground...
Then I hear my dad talking in the phone, turns out my boyfriend's dad is coming to my house.. Oh, lol that's not part of the dream, but that is how and why I woke up. I started freaking out because that might mean that my boyfriend is also on the way. Hahaha, just in case you want to know, he didn't come, it was just his dad who came to pick my dad up (:
Happy Saturday!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wow, I should work more on these challenges...
So I got through it nice... lol....
If you only knew.......
I'll keep writing (:
Sorry if it is a pain for you, but remember you read this on your own(:
Thanks to everyone that does, if there is anyone..... lol
If you only knew.......
I'll keep writing (:
Sorry if it is a pain for you, but remember you read this on your own(:
Thanks to everyone that does, if there is anyone..... lol
DAY 10 - boyfriend
Once again summer 09 :’(
I had my first, unofficial boyfriend(my parents don’t know) on Summer 09. Yes, he was the guy who I brought into my house; yes, he was the guy who gave me my first kiss; yes, he was the first guy to break my heart :’(
My former friend, introduced us, and I was so clueless about guys, I had never had a boyfriend before that I actually believed every word this dude told me. Until I found out that what my parents had told me was true. Most guys just want to date girls for one thing….
My first, official boyfriend is the boyfriend I am with right now, whom I have very deep feelings for (:
So there, both my first unofficial boyfriend, and my first official boyfriend whom I adore♥
I had my first, unofficial boyfriend(my parents don’t know) on Summer 09. Yes, he was the guy who I brought into my house; yes, he was the guy who gave me my first kiss; yes, he was the first guy to break my heart :’(
My former friend, introduced us, and I was so clueless about guys, I had never had a boyfriend before that I actually believed every word this dude told me. Until I found out that what my parents had told me was true. Most guys just want to date girls for one thing….
My first, official boyfriend is the boyfriend I am with right now, whom I have very deep feelings for (:
So there, both my first unofficial boyfriend, and my first official boyfriend whom I adore♥
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
DAY 9 - crush
Hahahaha! This was sooooo looooong ago!!!
I was… what? a first grader. Funny how I remember.. it was a little guy who looked a lot like me, and everyone said that we made a great couple. hahaha, Yeah I think that influenced me to like him and have a crush on him… everyone just expected me to.
I still remember his full name… funny huh… *sigh* Whoever knows what happened to him…?
PS Life is good! (:
I was… what? a first grader. Funny how I remember.. it was a little guy who looked a lot like me, and everyone said that we made a great couple. hahaha, Yeah I think that influenced me to like him and have a crush on him… everyone just expected me to.
I still remember his full name… funny huh… *sigh* Whoever knows what happened to him…?
PS Life is good! (:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Finally getting a Hunger Games movie!! (Coming next March!)
So, thanks to my school, who oddly chose Hunger Games as this Summer's reading book, I found out when the Hunger Games Movie is coming. March twenty-something....
But anyway, I do not like the Hunger Games cast... well it is not that I don't like it, its that it doesn't match who I wanted... WHO CARES!!!! I love the fact that Hunger Games is the book we have to read over this summer for school, and that the movie will be out in March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
I will surely watch this movie, and I recommend you to do so too!! (:
But anyway, I do not like the Hunger Games cast... well it is not that I don't like it, its that it doesn't match who I wanted... WHO CARES!!!! I love the fact that Hunger Games is the book we have to read over this summer for school, and that the movie will be out in March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
I will surely watch this movie, and I recommend you to do so too!! (:
DAY 8 - kiss
This happened on the summer of 2009…. As I mentioned a few days back…..
It was nothing like I thought it’d be. Of course it never is…. I was at one of my friend’s house, well I’d like to point out that she isn’t my friend anymore, at least to me because I stopped talking to her after that guy….We were at her house and she left us alone in her room…. and yeah…. Sad, nothing bad happened, he just kissed me, I was 15 and was clueless about boys….. so yeah that is how that happened..
You know, I always imagined my first kiss very romantically, yeah it didn’t happen that way, not even close. I would have loved it to be under the stars, out in the open, with the wind… or under the rain… *sigh*
It was nothing like I thought it’d be. Of course it never is…. I was at one of my friend’s house, well I’d like to point out that she isn’t my friend anymore, at least to me because I stopped talking to her after that guy….We were at her house and she left us alone in her room…. and yeah…. Sad, nothing bad happened, he just kissed me, I was 15 and was clueless about boys….. so yeah that is how that happened..
You know, I always imagined my first kiss very romantically, yeah it didn’t happen that way, not even close. I would have loved it to be under the stars, out in the open, with the wind… or under the rain… *sigh*
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
About the 10 day challenge...
Its so funny how I am actually keeping up with this. Lol.
Life Is Good,
Life Is Good,
DAY 6 - drink(alcohol)
*Sigh* Memories I tell you.. this challenge has just brought memories…. :(
First time was against my will, but I remember clearly. I was about 5 maybe 6, we lived in Mexico….. My dad had his drink, and it looked like soda, you know, squirt, and it was on the table, I wasn’t allowed to drink much soda at that time, so you must know how much I wanted it. I took the glass and took a sip. Yea…. it wasn’t pretty…. I spit everything out, almost… jeje so that was the first time I had a taste of alcohol.
First time I actually drank, was when I was maybe… I can’t remember, we were at a party and my cousins were there, they took a beer from the freezer and mixed it with soda. Yea, that was the first time I actually drank it…..
First time was against my will, but I remember clearly. I was about 5 maybe 6, we lived in Mexico….. My dad had his drink, and it looked like soda, you know, squirt, and it was on the table, I wasn’t allowed to drink much soda at that time, so you must know how much I wanted it. I took the glass and took a sip. Yea…. it wasn’t pretty…. I spit everything out, almost… jeje so that was the first time I had a taste of alcohol.
First time I actually drank, was when I was maybe… I can’t remember, we were at a party and my cousins were there, they took a beer from the freezer and mixed it with soda. Yea, that was the first time I actually drank it…..
Saturday, May 21, 2011
DAY 5 - first 3 things you bought using your money/savings
This is going to be a tough one because of my memory problems… haha (:
1.) First time I ever saved money it was to buy my cell phone… Yes, it was after my QUINCEAÑERA(15 party) about 3 years ago. It was a sprint rumor and it cost around 150 dollars.
2.) An anime series that I love, I started saving money and bought the first 4 DVDs of a japanese series called Tsubasa (: After a couple years I lost interest though. Each DVD was about 9 dollars so multiply that times 4 and it is………. 36!!!!! lol
3.) My nook, that is actually very recent, it took me a few years to start buying things on my own again. The nook cost about $135
So those are the first 3 things I bought on my own…. (:
1.) First time I ever saved money it was to buy my cell phone… Yes, it was after my QUINCEAÑERA(15 party) about 3 years ago. It was a sprint rumor and it cost around 150 dollars.
2.) An anime series that I love, I started saving money and bought the first 4 DVDs of a japanese series called Tsubasa (: After a couple years I lost interest though. Each DVD was about 9 dollars so multiply that times 4 and it is………. 36!!!!! lol
3.) My nook, that is actually very recent, it took me a few years to start buying things on my own again. The nook cost about $135
So those are the first 3 things I bought on my own…. (:
Friday, May 20, 2011
DAY 4 - got into trouble
First time I got in trouble… Well let me add something, I will talk about the day when I got in REAL trouble, because I’ve been in trouble it just wasn’t as bad as the first time, and yeah…
Anyway, first time I was in big trouble was about two years ago, summer of 2009:( Which brings back many horrible memories :’(
Well, summer '09 was also the summer when I had… oh I will leave that for another day if you don’t mind. It comes later in the challenge so yeah…..
During that summer I actually brought a guy into my house when my parents weren’t there, and boy was that the biggest trouble I got into, because I was caught. I actually can’t believe I was stupid enough to do that! I suppose I was “in love” (Ha! Yeah right!). My little sister was in the house and that is how I got caught. My little sister told… She didn’t tell on the day, she told many weeks after, but that still didn’t change the intensity of my punishment…..
So… that was the first time I got into REAL trouble…
Anyway, first time I was in big trouble was about two years ago, summer of 2009:( Which brings back many horrible memories :’(
Well, summer '09 was also the summer when I had… oh I will leave that for another day if you don’t mind. It comes later in the challenge so yeah…..
During that summer I actually brought a guy into my house when my parents weren’t there, and boy was that the biggest trouble I got into, because I was caught. I actually can’t believe I was stupid enough to do that! I suppose I was “in love” (Ha! Yeah right!). My little sister was in the house and that is how I got caught. My little sister told… She didn’t tell on the day, she told many weeks after, but that still didn’t change the intensity of my punishment…..
So… that was the first time I got into REAL trouble…
Thursday, May 19, 2011
DAY 3 - did something unusual/bad to your bestfriend
The first time I ever did something bad or weird to my best friend… well I don’t know if this counts.. but she wasn’t my bestfriend when I did this to her… She kinda started ditching me, and so we just stopped talking to each other…. Sad, yeah I know, well one day I was kinda sad about this whole situation so I told my cousin, who is currently one of my best friends(: She said that we should call her and scare her. So we called her with my cousin’s cellphone, I believe I was a sixth grader at the time… Oh yea we called her, and she answered, I did the grudge sound, you know when it sounds like the grudge cant breathe. lol. Then my cousin said in a creepy voice: don’t be mean to your friends!!!Then we hanged up and had the laugh of our lives.. Funny… *sigh* memories……
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
DAY 2 - ate/drank something weird
I am quite not good with challenges is something I just found out… sorry….
So First time I ate or drank something weird… That would have to be sixth grade with some of my friends. We were having lunch and one of them bought gummies, another one bought a cookie, and another one bought chips. I decided to try them all together, so I just practically mixed everything together and that is the first time I ate something weird….I apologize if it isn’t the most exciting story ever…
P.S. Hopefully my anecdotes get better as we approach Summer '09
So First time I ate or drank something weird… That would have to be sixth grade with some of my friends. We were having lunch and one of them bought gummies, another one bought a cookie, and another one bought chips. I decided to try them all together, so I just practically mixed everything together and that is the first time I ate something weird….I apologize if it isn’t the most exciting story ever…
P.S. Hopefully my anecdotes get better as we approach Summer '09
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 1 Failed a test
First time I ever failed a test was Freshmen year in high school I think… I am not quite sure about when it happened.. but I do remember that I hid it from my parents and that it didn’t affect my overall grade. After that day I failed a lot of tests….
Hey sorry I am trying to figure this out hopefully I can keep up (:
P.S. sorry if this doesn’t sound interesting, my friend on the other line of the phone kept me a little distracted
Hey sorry I am trying to figure this out hopefully I can keep up (:
P.S. sorry if this doesn’t sound interesting, my friend on the other line of the phone kept me a little distracted
So here you have it, something new!! (:
- DAY 1 - failed a test
- DAY 2 - ate/drank something weird
- DAY 3 - did something unusual/bad to your bestfriend
- DAY 4 - got into trouble
- DAY 5 - first 3 things you bought using your money/savings. how much do they cost.
- DAY 6 - drink(alcohol)
- DAY 7 - heavy drinking?
- DAY 8 - kiss
- DAY 9 - crush
- DAY 10 - boyfriend
Saturday, May 14, 2011
My very first lucid dream..... Chased and protected by friends(:
I had my very first lucid dream today, and I will have another one very soon. Before I tell you what happened in the dream I am going to mention that I did some, well a lot of research in order for me to be able to have another dream. It is not that hard and I am very sure that I will be able to have another one. I just don't know when.. But I will I can assure you.
So what did I dream?
Well, another warning, I will try a different way of writing my dream okay (:
She is chasing me, my friend.. I keep running from her but she keeps appearing everywhere, I keep running. My friends M and I are there (sorry I will use no real names just reference), they are keeping me safe. They tell me to run, to follow them. I am following, I get to the stairs. This is not real.... is it? I ask myself. X wouldn't do something like this to me, she is not like that or is she. I start asking myself a bunch of questions, can this be happening? Then I decide that there is only one way to know, if I fly. So I tell myself to fly and I do. I am floating... it feels so cool! So I am dreaming......
I keep going along with the dream, M comes out of a door and tells me to keep following, so I do. Eventually we are running again, I am running right behind him. I is nowhere to be seen, he disappeared. Oh well, hey, I start to feel uncomfortable. I don't like the feeling of knowing all this, it makes me scared.. I tell myself that I can fly away anytime I want. So I start flying. I am flying, it is half night and half day, I can see the blue sky but it also feels like it is night. I am now hitting and crashing into trees. It hurts... I don't have to take this... I tell myself. I can just wake up. So I do, I am awake now. In my bed. It is 1:06 am and I realize that I just had a lucid dream....
So there you have it.....
My very first lucid dream and it was a great experience, it will happen again, SOON!
So what did I dream?
Well, another warning, I will try a different way of writing my dream okay (:
She is chasing me, my friend.. I keep running from her but she keeps appearing everywhere, I keep running. My friends M and I are there (sorry I will use no real names just reference), they are keeping me safe. They tell me to run, to follow them. I am following, I get to the stairs. This is not real.... is it? I ask myself. X wouldn't do something like this to me, she is not like that or is she. I start asking myself a bunch of questions, can this be happening? Then I decide that there is only one way to know, if I fly. So I tell myself to fly and I do. I am floating... it feels so cool! So I am dreaming......
I keep going along with the dream, M comes out of a door and tells me to keep following, so I do. Eventually we are running again, I am running right behind him. I is nowhere to be seen, he disappeared. Oh well, hey, I start to feel uncomfortable. I don't like the feeling of knowing all this, it makes me scared.. I tell myself that I can fly away anytime I want. So I start flying. I am flying, it is half night and half day, I can see the blue sky but it also feels like it is night. I am now hitting and crashing into trees. It hurts... I don't have to take this... I tell myself. I can just wake up. So I do, I am awake now. In my bed. It is 1:06 am and I realize that I just had a lucid dream....
So there you have it.....
My very first lucid dream and it was a great experience, it will happen again, SOON!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
summer is almost here!
I cannot believe that another school year has gone by! It feels like it was just yesterday when I was getting ready for junior year, and now I am getting ready for senior year :o
I honestly cant belive it. So much has happened to me this year......
I had the worst experience in the love chapter, but I am also currently living the best one so far in my life<3 I started my college search and found that I am going somewhere in life. I will soon be on my road to completing my career as a journalist (: That makes me so happy :)
Well lets get ready for Summer of 2011 the best one so far!! (:
Until we meet again,
always your fellow writer,
I honestly cant belive it. So much has happened to me this year......
I had the worst experience in the love chapter, but I am also currently living the best one so far in my life<3 I started my college search and found that I am going somewhere in life. I will soon be on my road to completing my career as a journalist (: That makes me so happy :)
Well lets get ready for Summer of 2011 the best one so far!! (:
Until we meet again,
always your fellow writer,
Monday, May 2, 2011
osama bin laden dead.. now what?
So, i found out earlier today that he is dead. why is everyone celebrating? a friend of mine put the right words to what i thnk. He finds it "inhumane for people to be partying about someone having been murdered." I completely agree. Why are people celebrating??? This is crazy! I know that Osama bin laden was a bad person, but he was human. Like everyone else. no one has the right to take anyones life. The US taking bin laden's just put them/us down to his level if not worse.
Besides, whats gona happen now??? Hes dead but what about his followers? they believed so much in their faith that they would give up their lives. So what is going to stop them from giving up their lives for bin laden....?????
i know he was bad and all... but I just hope that Osama Bin Laden had forgiveness at the end and that he rests in peace.... (US has him in custudy right?)
i hope this doesnt cause another war......... :/
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