Have you noticed all the trends going around on music, movies, fashion, styles, interests even!? Do you ever wonder why people follow all those trends? The people that do everything they do just for one simple reason: it is popular! That is it, they could hate it one day and the next they are in love with it just because everyone else says so. I would agree that most people have done this at least once, not everyone but most. Sometimes even without noticing that you are doing it. In your head something tells you to do it, because it is what they are doing. I know that I have probably done it. Why wouldn’t you have?
Let’s give an example, Twilight. As in today, everyone seems to be into the Twilight Saga. A couple years back, everyone was into the books, and I think it is fair to say they still are. Now, people probably started reading the books because everyone was talking about them, I know I did. To me it seemed that Twilight really became trendy over night, or was it because they turned it into a movie. I really have no idea, but I do know that all of the sudden Twilight was everywhere, and people liked it because of one reason: it was in style! Though, why was it popular? Was it really good or was it the vampires? I would understand if it were a few people that liked it, but why when someone heard about it did they rush to read the books and watch the movies. I have to admit, when I heard about it, I was all into it, I couldn’t get enough of the books, but then I realized. This wasn’t what I liked, this wasn’t me, and I was not into vampires like that. I was not team Edward, or Team Jacob. So, why say I liked it when I really didn’t at all? I wouldn’t doubt that I am not the only one who thinks this way.
Is it really the fact that everyone likes something because someone makes it “popular”? One of my friends told me something, and I thought it was nothing but the truth. Maria Guevara told me: “Each and everyone are different, unique in their own way. Soon though, does one establish a line of ‘normality,’ a line based on what most people would call normal- similarities between some. It is in our nature to be part of that line, but then it goes too far.” Is that line of normality part of all the trends? People do what they do because they want to be part of that line, and they do not want to stand out. But then that makes me wonder, why wouldn’t anyone want to stand out? It is nice to stand out, to be seen different, not like everyone else. Why make yourself part of a group of clones? Why not be born as a unique person, and have in mind that there are not two of you, you are the only one in your species, why make yourself extinct to become something else?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I know that I like to be seen as me, not someone else who is into the exact same things everyone is likes. So, go ahead, and show your true colors, it might make you look weird or very different, but who cares! This is you, why change it for something that doesn’t define you at all. “There are more followers than leaders who really don’t think for themselves.” Andrew Portillo told me. So, what is it going to be, are you going to follow the steps of everyone else, or create a path of your own. Followers, either follow because they have no imagination to create what they want, or because they really have no head to realize that they are just being manipulated by the people to do what everyone else wants not what you do. Maybe if you stopped and thought about something before actually doing it, you would find out if this was really you or just someone else.
Now, I wonder what is it going to be like, when everyone stops following what everyone else does. Everyone would be different, no single person alike. So, what is going to be, are you going to be a clone of society or yourself?
Let’s give an example, Twilight. As in today, everyone seems to be into the Twilight Saga. A couple years back, everyone was into the books, and I think it is fair to say they still are. Now, people probably started reading the books because everyone was talking about them, I know I did. To me it seemed that Twilight really became trendy over night, or was it because they turned it into a movie. I really have no idea, but I do know that all of the sudden Twilight was everywhere, and people liked it because of one reason: it was in style! Though, why was it popular? Was it really good or was it the vampires? I would understand if it were a few people that liked it, but why when someone heard about it did they rush to read the books and watch the movies. I have to admit, when I heard about it, I was all into it, I couldn’t get enough of the books, but then I realized. This wasn’t what I liked, this wasn’t me, and I was not into vampires like that. I was not team Edward, or Team Jacob. So, why say I liked it when I really didn’t at all? I wouldn’t doubt that I am not the only one who thinks this way.
Is it really the fact that everyone likes something because someone makes it “popular”? One of my friends told me something, and I thought it was nothing but the truth. Maria Guevara told me: “Each and everyone are different, unique in their own way. Soon though, does one establish a line of ‘normality,’ a line based on what most people would call normal- similarities between some. It is in our nature to be part of that line, but then it goes too far.” Is that line of normality part of all the trends? People do what they do because they want to be part of that line, and they do not want to stand out. But then that makes me wonder, why wouldn’t anyone want to stand out? It is nice to stand out, to be seen different, not like everyone else. Why make yourself part of a group of clones? Why not be born as a unique person, and have in mind that there are not two of you, you are the only one in your species, why make yourself extinct to become something else?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I know that I like to be seen as me, not someone else who is into the exact same things everyone is likes. So, go ahead, and show your true colors, it might make you look weird or very different, but who cares! This is you, why change it for something that doesn’t define you at all. “There are more followers than leaders who really don’t think for themselves.” Andrew Portillo told me. So, what is it going to be, are you going to follow the steps of everyone else, or create a path of your own. Followers, either follow because they have no imagination to create what they want, or because they really have no head to realize that they are just being manipulated by the people to do what everyone else wants not what you do. Maybe if you stopped and thought about something before actually doing it, you would find out if this was really you or just someone else.
Now, I wonder what is it going to be like, when everyone stops following what everyone else does. Everyone would be different, no single person alike. So, what is going to be, are you going to be a clone of society or yourself?

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