I don't know if you noticed, but in one of my last posts I mentioned Adam Lambert. Oh and that right now I am so in love with him. <3
I found out about him through my awesome cousin(Not the only one by the way)! I listened to his music for some time, and then one day, I just fell in love. ^o^ I mean it, I know, he's gay, yeah, I get that, but I really don't give a damn, plus I don't discriminate. I actually think that gay guys make the best of friends. :) Don't you think? I mean, if you are a girl, aren't they the best of listeners. Anyway, back to Adam Lambert<3, isn't he gorgeous!? ^o^

My cousin and I, well we have this thing for him. Well, not really, my cousin is way more into Lady Gaga than Adam Lambert, but yeah, you get the point.
My favorite Adam Lambert songs are 'For your Entertainment' and 'If I had you.' I could listen to those two songs all day if I wanted to. Now that I think about it, I think I did once. Oops. lol. I also like 'Whatya want from me.' Well, I think one can only talk about someone so much before annoying the person listening or in this case reading. You probably don't want to anything else about Adam Lambert, huh?
Well, back to the 'gay' subject, if I can. Ha ha, that sounds funny. Oh well, like I said earlier, I really don't discriminate, and I don't know why so many people do. Like those people that protest outside churches and places. Ugh, they can only make me so mad. Then I realize, they are not worth my anger. They are just different people that think differently, but they shouldn't go to that point. Well, I don't know, but you might be asking yourself, what if I am only saying this because I love Adam Lambert, and I can't be against him. OH NO! Well, that is a fraction of the reason, but the biggest reason, is well, they are people just like everyone else, they just have different preferences, and there shouldn't be a problem with that. Should there? Nope, but that is just what I think.
'Till next time,