I woke up this morning really excited. So excited that I woke my sister and told her to look at me one last time to see me with braces because she would never again see me with them. :-) Then I spent the entire school day waiting for the time for me to leave so my braces could come off. Oh and were those the longest 4 hours of my life. Ha ha, well maybe not, but they were long.
When my mom got to school, I could hardly wait to get out of school. I know that all this might sound exaggerated, but you have to understand, I had to live with the braces for almost 2 years. I have been looking forward to this ever since they came on. Well, I left school, and got to the dentist office, and waited for my name to be called. The lady in the front desk asked me if I was looking forward to Halloween, which was really nice of her, usually they are not that nice, or at least, for all I know, they had never talked to me unless for business reasons, or to make another appointment. Anyway, I told her I might dress up like a geisha, again, she said I should because there are never a lot of those. So, I think I will dress up like that.
Back to the braces, my name was eventually called, and I went up to start the process one more time. I do have to say, they removed the braces rather quickly, the thing that took the most was removing the glue I suppose. Plus they took pictures of me again. I really don't like pictures, but I was so happy I didn't care. After that they let me go, and I came home with my retainers. Which kinda hurt at first, but then I got used to them. You know, the only thing, they make me talk funny. I hope it goes away soon. For now I can only enjoy my new smile. Which should mean that I am starting again, a new me. Ha ha that sounds so cliche. Oh well. :-)
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