Fairies... Hmmm if I had to write about this a couple years ago I would have been very happy, but I have no idea what to write about fairies.
My idea of fairies.....
They fly
They are very pretty
They are a bit troublesome at times
but they are very friendly
They like to get out and have fun
not in a usual way for us
They don't do the kind of things that 'tinkerbell' does
At least in my head they don't
they are practically just another species
they don't talk
and they light up like those bugs that light up lol
thats it....
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Summer's been keeping me busy,,,,,
I completely..... no I didn't forget, I am completely enjoying my summer!!!!!!!! Lol. I know that I practically put my blog apart, and stopped writing, but that is because I have been busy. I have an internship with my local newspaper and that takes much of my time. Plus I do have summer homework for school, I am supposed to read 3 books and a whole packet for my AP Stats class next year. I really should get started with that. So yeah, that is my excuse to tell, that is why I haven't been writing..... No it is not all, there is something else... ♥♥♥
Lol, yeah I know.... but my boyfriend does take a lot of my time. That's good though! (: I like that.
LOL, well I will try to get back on track, since I have been dreaming like crazy, lol. Sadly I haven't written down many of my dreams just a couple which I will record on here next time I get the chance. So,
I hope you guys enjoy your summer,
Lol, yeah I know.... but my boyfriend does take a lot of my time. That's good though! (: I like that.
LOL, well I will try to get back on track, since I have been dreaming like crazy, lol. Sadly I haven't written down many of my dreams just a couple which I will record on here next time I get the chance. So,
I hope you guys enjoy your summer,
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Summer has started!! Lets get this party started!
The last day of my junior year is finally over. After all that waiting in my last period class it finally come to an end and I am now officially a senior, exactly one year from today i will be on that stage where all the seniors graduate and I will be saying hello to the rest of my life. Wow that is so scary. I hope that day doesnt come too soon. I will enjoy my summer to the fullest and I will enjoy my senior year to the fullest!! It will be the best year of my high school career because of so many reasons. First one, my boyfriend will be there every step of the way to make me company and give me support. Second, come on. Its senior year hy wouldnt it be the bet ye! I mean theres going to be so much going on. I can hardly wait. But this summer. I want to enjoy it :) what are you talking about. Ofcourse Ill enjoy t. Especially because some one very specil will be by my side all the time :)
Enjoy your summer everyone,
Enjoy your summer everyone,
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Day 15(Creative Writitng) - A challenge
A challenge, you know I thought of this one, I was very confused... I was tempted to write a "challenge" like this one, but then again it might be a challenge as in life. So I am going with a challenge in life.
One big challenge that I had to go through was taking an AP European History last year. Oh god, was that class hard. So yeah, I apologize for my short posts, well it is better this way :)
Good day to everyone,
One big challenge that I had to go through was taking an AP European History last year. Oh god, was that class hard. So yeah, I apologize for my short posts, well it is better this way :)
Good day to everyone,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 14 (Creative Writing) - Friends
To all my friends:
They are actually people very sacred to me, they mean so much, and I wouldn't think twice about helping them or giving them a hand. I do not know if my friends know this, but I see them as an extension to my family, they are like the family outside of my home. I do not know what I would do without them. Something that I learned about myself in the years which I was a very lonely person because of my spoken language, right at the time when I first came to the US. I didn't speak English and that separated me from everyone, I didn't have friends, and I cried to myself so much. I know how it feels to be lonely, I know how it feels to have no friends... It is sad, a very sad feeling and I don't ever want to feel it again. I think that because I know that feeling I appreciate my friends, all of them, my best friends and even the new ones. lol :) They are all amazing and I wouldn't hurt them and I would hate to watch them be hurt......
They are actually people very sacred to me, they mean so much, and I wouldn't think twice about helping them or giving them a hand. I do not know if my friends know this, but I see them as an extension to my family, they are like the family outside of my home. I do not know what I would do without them. Something that I learned about myself in the years which I was a very lonely person because of my spoken language, right at the time when I first came to the US. I didn't speak English and that separated me from everyone, I didn't have friends, and I cried to myself so much. I know how it feels to be lonely, I know how it feels to have no friends... It is sad, a very sad feeling and I don't ever want to feel it again. I think that because I know that feeling I appreciate my friends, all of them, my best friends and even the new ones. lol :) They are all amazing and I wouldn't hurt them and I would hate to watch them be hurt......
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
almost halfway done with this challenge....
This has been a very hard challenge to keep up with, I apologize, sometimes it took me a couple days to get into another day....lol
Living the dream life♥♥☺
Living the dream life♥♥☺
Day 13 (creative Writing) - Remember the time when......
....... everything seemed possible for us kids, those days when you asked for something and you got it..? A lot has changed hasn't it?
Wake up
Wake up
Monday, June 13, 2011
Day 12 (Creative Writing) - A favorite memory
A favorite memory of mine is that one day....... It is one of my favorites, because I do have many favorite memories, this is is special too. I will never forget it.
It was a dance, and I remember every single moment of it. That day couldn't have been better. It was very perfect. Do you want to know something, I feel a little sad about sharing this, because that day was so special to me. That is the reason why I will stop here. I guess I am a little selfish after all. Lol. Sorry.
Your fellow writer,
It was a dance, and I remember every single moment of it. That day couldn't have been better. It was very perfect. Do you want to know something, I feel a little sad about sharing this, because that day was so special to me. That is the reason why I will stop here. I guess I am a little selfish after all. Lol. Sorry.
Your fellow writer,
Sunday, June 12, 2011
For Daddy's Day since its coming up... (this poem made me cry, just warning you)
Daddy’s day
Her hair up in a ponytail, her favorite dress tied with a bow
Today was Daddy’s Day at school, and she couldn’t wait to go
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home
Why the kids might not understand, if she went to school alone
But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say
What to tell her classmates, on this Daddy’s Day
But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone
And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home
But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all
About a dad she never sees, a dad who never calls
There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet
Children squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats
One by one the teacher called, a student from the class
To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed
At last the teacher called her name, every child turned to stare
Each of them were searching, for a man that wasn’t there
“Where’s her daddy at?” She heard a boy call out
“She probably doesn’t have one.” Another student dared to shout
And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say
“Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy to waste his day.”
The words did not offend her, as she smiled at her friends
And looked back at her teacher, who told her to begin
And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak
And out from the mouth of a child, came words incredibly unique
“My Daddy couldn’t be here, because he lives so far away
But I know he wishes he could be, with me on this day
And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know
All about my daddy, and how much he loves me so
He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike
He surprised me with pink roses, and he taught me to fly a kite
We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone
And though you cannot see him, I’m not standing all alone
‘Cause my daddy’s always with me, even though we are apart
I know because he told me, he’ll forever be here in my heart”
With that her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest
Feeling her own heartbeat, beneath her favorite dress
And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears
Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years
For she stood up for the love, of a man not in her life
Doing what was best for her, doing what was right
And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd
She finished with a voice so soft, but its message clear and loud
“I love my daddy very much, he’s my shining star
And if he could he’d be here, but heavens just too far
But sometimes when I close my eyes, it’s like he never went away”
And then she closed her eyes, and saw him there that day
And to her mother’s amazement, she witnessed with surprise
A room full of daddies and children, all starting to close their eyes
Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside
Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side
“I know you’re with me daddy.” To the silence she called out
And what happened next made believers, of those once filled with doubt
Not one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed
But there placed on her desktop, was a beautiful fragrant pink rose
And a child was blessed, if only a moment, by the love of her shining bright star
And given the gift of believing, that heaven is never too far
Cheryl Costello-Forshey
Day 11 (Creative Writing) - An adventure
I have to admit, I am a very boring person, and I usually don't have many adventures to talk about. Specially good ones. As I write this I am trying to think of a good adventure to talk about, but since nothing seems to came to mind, I will just create one.
The clock strikes 2, it is two in the morning and I can't close my eyes. What is going on? I can usually fall asleep in the blink of an eye, but not today. I have no idea what is going on, I decide to walk for a bit, maybe go outside and walk around, I am sure everything will be okay, this is a pretty nice and quiet neighborhood, so I think I am good. My parents won't mind, I am sure, plus I'll be back before they even suspect that I am not there. I get off my bed and walk towards my door, I will be passing by my parents door, but they have a heavy sleep, they won't hear a thing, then I can go by the kitchen and grab a quick snack, just in case. When I get to the kitchen I find that someone left the refrigerator open, hmmm, I don't think someone did that... I discard the fact and continue with my little journey. I walk out the back door and soon I find myself in the front yard, funny, my dad's car is not there.... He must have left earlier tonight and that is why the fridge was open. Oh well, I am sure he has his excuse. I just hope that he left and is not coming back anytime soon because then he would catch me, and that would be the end of my little trip. I start walking down the lit street. The street lights give so much light, who could have known. For a minute I stop and stare at one of the lights. So intriguing..... Okay, wait, continue, don't get captivated by that....
Image via WikipediaI let go of the vision of the light and continue to walk, down the street. It is filled with many trees, I didn't know there was so many. Who could have know? Maybe I should take these walks more often. I walk for around 15 minutes, maybe I walked a couple of blocks, hmm, I start wondering if it was longer than fifteen minutes because I no longer find everything familiar. I had never seen this before, and I remember that my street ends at the end of my block... It just does and it doesn't go anywhere, I would have found myself locked and would have had to return, it would have taken me less than 10 minutes.... Where am I then? I start freaking out and decide that my best choice is to return the way I came from, yes I will be back home before I know it. As I walk back I find that the street lights don't look as captivating as they did before, I try to look at one of them, but my eyes turn away, I am not doing that. For some reason I feel that looking at the lights will help.
"You shouldn't have looked in the first place, honey," I hear a very familiar voice and turn around to find my dad.
"Oh, hi...... hi dad," I say very nervously, I guess I won't be doing this again anytime soon.
"What are you doing out so late? Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asks as if nothing is wrong, he asks like if I am not in trouble, "Little girl next time you want to follow me let me know, and I'll take you,"
I start feeling confused, but the idea is present, my dad thinks I was following him. "Ummm... I got lost,"
"Yes I can tell........" he says, "come here and look at this. He extends his hand and I find a watch, one of those golden ones, and it catches my attention completely. Before I know it the watch starts shining. It is just as captivating as the street light.When the light fades away I find myself in front of my house and my dad is no where to be seen. I walk in through the front door, it won't matter if someone hears me now. My dad already knows. I walk up the stairs and into my room, I take one look at my clock and before I know it I am drifting asleep with the image of the clock marking 2:02 am.........
The clock strikes 2, it is two in the morning and I can't close my eyes. What is going on? I can usually fall asleep in the blink of an eye, but not today. I have no idea what is going on, I decide to walk for a bit, maybe go outside and walk around, I am sure everything will be okay, this is a pretty nice and quiet neighborhood, so I think I am good. My parents won't mind, I am sure, plus I'll be back before they even suspect that I am not there. I get off my bed and walk towards my door, I will be passing by my parents door, but they have a heavy sleep, they won't hear a thing, then I can go by the kitchen and grab a quick snack, just in case. When I get to the kitchen I find that someone left the refrigerator open, hmmm, I don't think someone did that... I discard the fact and continue with my little journey. I walk out the back door and soon I find myself in the front yard, funny, my dad's car is not there.... He must have left earlier tonight and that is why the fridge was open. Oh well, I am sure he has his excuse. I just hope that he left and is not coming back anytime soon because then he would catch me, and that would be the end of my little trip. I start walking down the lit street. The street lights give so much light, who could have known. For a minute I stop and stare at one of the lights. So intriguing..... Okay, wait, continue, don't get captivated by that....
"You shouldn't have looked in the first place, honey," I hear a very familiar voice and turn around to find my dad.
"Oh, hi...... hi dad," I say very nervously, I guess I won't be doing this again anytime soon.
"What are you doing out so late? Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asks as if nothing is wrong, he asks like if I am not in trouble, "Little girl next time you want to follow me let me know, and I'll take you,"
I start feeling confused, but the idea is present, my dad thinks I was following him. "Ummm... I got lost,"
"Yes I can tell........" he says, "come here and look at this. He extends his hand and I find a watch, one of those golden ones, and it catches my attention completely. Before I know it the watch starts shining. It is just as captivating as the street light.When the light fades away I find myself in front of my house and my dad is no where to be seen. I walk in through the front door, it won't matter if someone hears me now. My dad already knows. I walk up the stairs and into my room, I take one look at my clock and before I know it I am drifting asleep with the image of the clock marking 2:02 am.........
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Day 10 (Creative Writing) - Something I hate
There isn't many things that I hate, there are however many things that I dislike. One of the thing I do hate though, hypocrisy. Saying something and pretending that you are not it. That is usually what gets to me. I know there are people that hate dishonesty, but that is just something I don't like, and it is not the same as hypocrisy.
Anyway, I couldn't figure out anyway to make this creative-ish so I am just go on and say just like that, if you don't mind. I do not know how many readers I have, so does it matter? Lol. So hypocrisy, when your best friend is telling you not be mean to that one little nice girl, and it turns that she is bullying her. You know things like that. It is I guess like lying in a way, so I guess what I hate is lying, but not all lying, ugh, I confused myself. Lol. Oh well. So there, I really don't like dishonesty, and I specially don't like hypocrisy.
Anyway, I couldn't figure out anyway to make this creative-ish so I am just go on and say just like that, if you don't mind. I do not know how many readers I have, so does it matter? Lol. So hypocrisy, when your best friend is telling you not be mean to that one little nice girl, and it turns that she is bullying her. You know things like that. It is I guess like lying in a way, so I guess what I hate is lying, but not all lying, ugh, I confused myself. Lol. Oh well. So there, I really don't like dishonesty, and I specially don't like hypocrisy.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 9 (Creative Writing) - A love poem♥
Yesterday, I was worried about tomorrow
I didn't care what life would bring to me
There was no point to anything I did
Today I am the happiest woman on earth
I never imagined that I could be this happy
I never believed I deserved this
Everything just fell in place
The love grew
Everytime I look in your eyes
I see pure love
I feel like I've never felt before
You make me feel like a little girl and like a woman at the same time
You make me feel butterflies
I am completely and deeply in love with you
I give you my heart I dont ask for anything in return but for your love in exchange
I love you and thank you for bringing happiness into my life
For my one and only love,
I didn't care what life would bring to me
There was no point to anything I did
Today I am the happiest woman on earth
I never imagined that I could be this happy
I never believed I deserved this
Everything just fell in place
The love grew
Everytime I look in your eyes
I see pure love
I feel like I've never felt before
You make me feel like a little girl and like a woman at the same time
You make me feel butterflies
I am completely and deeply in love with you
I give you my heart I dont ask for anything in return but for your love in exchange
I love you and thank you for bringing happiness into my life
For my one and only love,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 8(Creative Writing) - Something personal
Let's see.... Something good, and something personal.... I am guessing that you already know my first choice would be my boyfriend of course, but he is not a something, once again he is a someone. :)
So my second choice would be a special memory :)
So one of my dearest memories is when I went to Knotts on Halloween with two of my cousins and a friend.. who is now my boyfriend :) That day was amazing....
My dad drove me to pick up everyone and then he left us at Knotts around 6 at night. I wasn't dating my boyfriend then, so it was a little awkward between us then, since we had almost never spoken before this day. However, that day is when everything started. It created the connection and it was, as I can say, the spark :)
That is why it is quite a fond memory of mine :)
So I believe this is it, the kids I am babysitting didn't let me focus so that is why I had to finish this in a hurry. So I apologize,
Sakurannie is now on facebook!! :)
I just created a facebook page for sakurannie, so if I have any readers out there... LIKE!!!! Lol :)
I will use the facebook page for.... ummm I don't know, I'll update the page once in a while, and I'll post on facebook any new information or anything related to here :) If you have any suggestions let me know.
So don't hesitate! Like! >>>
Sakurannie on facebook
I will use the facebook page for.... ummm I don't know, I'll update the page once in a while, and I'll post on facebook any new information or anything related to here :) If you have any suggestions let me know.
So don't hesitate! Like! >>>
Sakurannie on facebook
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 7 (Creative Writing) - A pet that is loved....
...... would be my aunt's very old Golden Retriever that goes by the name Rocky. He is the most loyal, friendly and cutest dog ever!!!
Rocky we love you!
He is the famous Golden Retriever and he has been around for the longest time :)
His beautiful Golden pelt, now turning white with the years was his best description.
How he always went for the ball, never ever did he leave it.
Now, he sits.. old and fat....
I remember chasing him...
Why is it that we are the same age but he already looks like he is dying...
Rocky we love you, even though you don't go fetch the ball like you used to.
I grew up with you and I know that you'll hang around for as long as you can.
Rocky we love you!
Rocky we love you!
He is the famous Golden Retriever and he has been around for the longest time :)
His beautiful Golden pelt, now turning white with the years was his best description.
How he always went for the ball, never ever did he leave it.
Now, he sits.. old and fat....
I remember chasing him...
Why is it that we are the same age but he already looks like he is dying...
Rocky we love you, even though you don't go fetch the ball like you used to.
I grew up with you and I know that you'll hang around for as long as you can.
Rocky we love you!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Day 6(creative writing)-Family
Everytime you are hurt, they are there
Everytime you are happy, they are there
Everytime you must cry, they are there
Everytime you are laughing, there are
So make sure that when they need you, you are there too
Everytime you are happy, they are there
Everytime you must cry, they are there
Everytime you are laughing, there are
So make sure that when they need you, you are there too
I have heard so many people complain about how their family is horrible. How they are never there. How they don't care. How they feel as if they have no family at all. How they wish their family was better. Then I think to myself.... 'how lucky I must be!' But after, I realize, they are lucky too, they just don't know how to appreciate what they have. It might not be the best family, they might not be the most caring, maybe even not the most loving, but they are still a family. You and everyone should love them regardless. I know I do, and my family is not the best family either, but they love me, and I love them.
Day 5(creative writing) - A historical event
He answered in the blink of the eye, "World War II!!!!!"
"Okay, hold on I have to write this," I told him.
On the other line of the phone he kept talking about reggaeton and putting music on ignoring every single thing I told him, so he never answered.
"Okay, what do I write about WWII?"
"To really explain WWII you must explain WWI and know everything about it" he told me very seriously. Then he had a very deep conversation with his brother, or someone who was on his side of the line.
"Okay, first the Treaty of Versailles...... pretty much after Germans were defeated this is when the treaty came along, and it blamed everything in Germany, and brought them to a ruin......" then his voice trailed away as he started singing some weird metallic song. ".... it left them in financial ruin and left their army very weak." The he started talking about how he is the devil. lol. Then something about the number 666. Yeah weird..... sorry my friend jejeje. "......one of the reasons why Hitler come into power is the treaty of Versailles, Germany needed someone to take them out of that fucking shit hole!!!" excuse his language. "Hey Annie, I found the meaning of Life!!"
"What is it?" I asked, after I heard this very random question.
"According to my brother 'you eat, you fuck, you sleep' and it actually makes sense," he said.
"Wow," was my only response. "Back to history please!"
"Alright," he said, "hold up," and apparently he started texting because I heard funny noises. Hahaha. "Hitler promised Germany's people to bring them back to their former glory. They allowed him to build up his military power and then he started taking over. Then appeasement came, this meant that other countries allowed him to do whatever he wanted. No one did anything about it. Hitler realized that no one was doing anything about it, so he kept at it. So now the holocaust. Pretty much Hitler wanted the superior race to dominate. Blue eyes, blond hair, and he didn't have blue eyes or blond hair. Anyone that didn't fit that description and they were seen as inferior. Hitler blamed everything on the Jews, and he wanted to get rid of the Jews, but he didn't know how. He then came up with the final solution, DEATH CAMPS! Some countries were taking Jews, but they didn't want to take to many. Hitler then thought that no one wanted Jews, so he started killing. "Night of broken glass, when Jewish homes, stores were broken into, and destroyed. Sad.... entire history in my head, that is all I can tell you about the Holocaust...."
"Okay, I think I had enough of history.." I told him.
So that is when our history conversation ended....
So there you have it, a bit of prose on history.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Summer to-do list
Summer is very quickly approaching. Okay, wait I must tell you something very important before I continue to write this post. I have written what I am about to write so many times! So if it sounds a bit...weird.. it is because I had to rewrite it so many times.. No worries, this one shouldn't have the same problem, since I have been saving a draft.. lol... something I should have done since the beginning.
Anyway, I thought if I had a years to-do list, why not have one for the summer? (: So that is what I decided to do. (:
Some of the things on this list you might find on my 2011 years list, others you won't. So there you have it (:
-Trips to the beach
-Do a good job on the internship
-Spend a lot of time with my boyfriend<3
-Watch the new and last Harry Potter movie
-4th of July
-Time with the family(:
-Start and finish Personal Statement
-Visit and review some of your University choices
-Watch the New spy kids movie
-Have visits to parks
-Have fun!
-Get either rollerskates or a bike....
So there it is (:
Have a great day,
Anyway, I thought if I had a years to-do list, why not have one for the summer? (: So that is what I decided to do. (:
Some of the things on this list you might find on my 2011 years list, others you won't. So there you have it (:
-Trips to the beach
-Do a good job on the internship
-Spend a lot of time with my boyfriend<3
-Watch the new and last Harry Potter movie
-4th of July
-Time with the family(:
-Start and finish Personal Statement
-Visit and review some of your University choices
-Watch the New spy kids movie
-Have visits to parks
-Have fun!
-Get either rollerskates or a bike....
So there it is (:
Have a great day,
Day 4(creative writing) - A pair of eye glasses
I have to say though, a lot of funny things have happened because of these...
Here we go again:
She obtained her glasses when she was in the seventh grade, not too young, not too old. Just in the middle, sorta... She didn't mind glasses, well she still doesn't. It was so trivial to her that she wore them every time she could. For some reason she loved the clear view that they gave her. Everything changed when they came on her eyes. The view was much more clearer, she was able to see everything, from every detail in the tiniest flower, to the magnificent texture of the sky. The clouds now had a definite shape, how could she have gone for so long without seeing everything this clear. (In reality the blindness came around my 6th grade year, the teacher's board started looking fussy and yeah...) This way she learned to appreciate every view because they are usually not there forever.
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