Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 7 (Creative Writing) - A pet that is loved....

close up of a Golden RetrieverThis is how the famous Rocky used to look :)Image via Wikipedia
...... would be my aunt's very old Golden Retriever that goes by the name Rocky. He is the most loyal, friendly and cutest dog ever!!!

Rocky we love you!
He is the famous Golden Retriever and he has been around for the longest time :)
His beautiful Golden pelt, now turning white with the years was his best description.
How he always went for the ball, never ever did he leave it.
Now, he sits.. old and fat....
I remember chasing him...
Why is it that we are the same age but he already looks like he is dying...
Rocky we love you, even though you don't go fetch the ball like you used to.
I grew up with you and I know that you'll hang around for as long as you can.
Rocky we love you!

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