I know that for a fact because I am quite open once you start telling me something, I have tried to work on it on recent years but I guess I have failed.
My problem is that I trust people in a way that they can come back and hit me in the back... But I take it too easily, I don't get upset and then that's why it is so easy for people to come back and do it all over again. I should have learned my lesson by now.
Now a days I can't trust my own family.... Yes it has gotten to that point. To the point where I don't know whether I can talk to them and know that I can have their support, because I can't count on their support for anything. They support me on the things that they find to their liking and not to everything that I wish for. That is the reason why all these years I haven't been able to count on their help, I can't say, "oh my parents will help me" because I don't know if they will. In the past few months I have been able to talk to my mom more often and I can tell her things. On the other side I know my dad should be no choice because I don't know how he will take things. He might like what I have to say or he might hate it. So when he hates it, he gets furious and oh who should go against his plans! Aaaahh! That is the reason why I have never confined on him, and probably never will... It is just way too hard to talk to him and when I do try to talk to him he doesn't understand half the things I have to say.
Well that was way out of topic wasn't it. Ugh.. Anyway, I suppose that is it... I should learn to get to know people before I trust them....
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