Since it is Sunday I thought I would reminisce on my past for a few minutes, I mean, why not?

I decided I wanted to think back to my accomplishments and what I remember from High School, I know it's only been like two years but so much has happened in my life that sometimes it feels like it's been ages and ages ago. The other day I was talking about our ten year reunion coming up!
I know there might be some of my High School classmates might be reading, or so I can hope. I know that I can ask you guys to comment if you remember me, but I am not so sure you do. However, point of this post is to try to think back to my High School years... Let's see how much I remember.
I can get started on Freshman year. My classes, hmm, I remember Mrs. Jocham, she is an amazing English teacher and she is, I hope she still is running the book club. Freshmen year is more or less of a blur, there were so many things that happened during that year and yet I can't remember. One thing I do remember is that I had a group of friends, I don't want to mention names because, well just in case any of you high school people from my past are reading this. Anyway, I had a group of friends. It was me and two more, a girl and a boy. We would always be together during the beginning of this year. We might have not had lunch together, oh no we didn't, I remember now, I was kind of lonely freshmen year during lunch, I mean I hanged out with some of my friends but it wasn't the same as those year's mornings at the library study rooms. Oh! You remember now huh!? Well, the one thing that stuck or made its mark for my freshmen year memory was the fact that I broke up my little group of friends. I made my other two friends stop talking to each other because of one stupid rumor. Sucks, but that is what high school is about.
Sophomore year, I joined Journalism and I was so happy! I had been wanting to join Journalism since I was in middle school and for my dream to be coming true, it just made me the happiest sophomore in the school. However, my dream was not just to be in Journalism but become Editor of the Newspaper, which did happen, but hold on a minute, that was after sophomore year. I am not quite sure of anything else that happened my sophomore year, other than me hanging out with my friends, becoming closer and closer to my one friend I still talk to today, and well me writing and having fun in Journalism. I remember I stopped talking a lot to my one guy friend I made the mess with my freshmen year. That sucked, I mean we still talked once in a while, I had a crush on him for a couple of months, but then we seized to be friends like we once were. That was my drama for the year I guess.

Junior year was awesome though, I joined many clubs, Book club being one of them, an arts and crafts club and I think I attended one of the meetings for an anime club. I also had dance that year, advanced dance if I can be brave enough to say it because that didn't make a difference. I loved that class and I think I was the skinniest I could be when I was in it. I performed in two performances during that year and it even lingered in my mind that I should've joined the dance team, but if I had joined dance team I would have had to give up on Journalism because as things were looking I was getting busier and busier working on that paper. I spent hours after school working to help make sure the paper was awesome. I was not going to give that up for dance, even though now I regret not having tried out. I also forgot to mention this was the year when I started dating my husband. That is when my life turned around, at least my love life. So guys can probably imagine why the end of this year is well, mostly gone because I was busy falling in love.

Senior Year.... I can't say it was the way they say it's in movies. I was not Prom Queen, I was not Homecoming Queen, I didn't date a popular guy, I wasn't Valedictorian, I might have been close but no, I didn't do something crazy that would have me remembered for the rest of my life. I didn't get drunk, I didn't get high, I didn't go to those crazy high school parties everyone was talking about, I didn't get pregnant. I didn't do any of that, but I was editor in chief of my newspaper, what I dreamt of achieving during high school. I had the best group of friends I could ever wish for, no one ever backstabbed me and they always supported me, even when I was the only one with a boyfriend. I was dating the man of my dreams and falling in love by the second. I went to Prom with my friends, danced until I couldn't feel my feet. I went to Grad Nite, and I got to throw my little hat looking thing with the tassel up in the air after I graduated. Honestly, I think that is more than anyone could ask for. I enjoyed my High School Years, I had fun, I fell in love, I did what I wanted to do and I came out with beautiful memories that no one will ever be able to take away. So, I am happy with how those years of my life turned out because I am sure that just paved my way to more happy and healthy years in my life.
With love and remembering all my High School peers,
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