Hello everyone my name is Manuel. I am the husband that Andy keeps talking about. I've known Andy for about 5 years now.
Now where can I start? I guess, I shall start at the beginning. I first met Andy when I was 16 and she was 15. I met her through my dad. My dad and her dad were at the time, close friends, her dad would bring her to my house a couple of times and every time she would visit I would seclude myself in my room.
After a while, I started to spend some time with her, though we didn't really talk. I finally decided to talk to her after some motivation from my cousin. Soon after we started talking during her visits and not too long after that she invited me to go to Knott's Scary Farm. It was fun, even though I thought she was a big scardy cat(; I still do:) Soon, we started a nice friendship soon and after that, on Christmas of 2010 I asked her out. We had tons of fun that year so when our anniversary came along I gave her a ring, which at the time was just a nice present. Eventually, we got engaged about half way through the second year and nearing our second anniversary she moved in with me:) That same year I upgraded her ring into an engagement ring. At first we moved in to see how it would be to live together and after a year of living together and having a lot of fun and getting along we decided to get married. We chose a cool date to get married, we got married march 28 2014, three years three months and three days after we first became boyfriend and girlfriend :) and now we are happily married. Our story has just begun. So, that was a glimpse into our story from my point of view. I will be posting once in a while too, so keep checking in:)
You need fun in your life