I have finally started to get in the routine of the schedule I created for the blog... I however, realized that I have trouble on Tuesdays. It has become harder to write about what is going on in my life and that is what I mostly wrote about before. Plainly and simply about my life. I don´t understand why it has become harder than before.
I will try my hardest to be able to write more about my life though because that is the reason why I love my blog, because it works somewhat like a diary for me. I have been able to go back and read about what I was doing 3 years ago and it is amazing to read my posts from back then. It is like time traveling! I think I have made that example before.
So, my life huh? Hmmm..... You guys already know that I am married. This past weekend we went to the beach because I told my father in law that my parents didn't really take out my little sister and I. Well honestly, I feel like we didn't do much sightseeing when I was young. I am sure my little sister feels the same. With my dad it was always hanging out with his brothers, going to the park and "carne asadas" at home. That was pretty much it all of the time. If anything changed ever it was just parties at some of our relatives homes. I know that I can't say that he never took us out at all, because we went out once in a while. He just took that really literally, if we went to the beach, it was probably once a year in a summer and he wouldn't take us again because we went already, "why do we have to go again, we already went." Those were his words. Crazy huh?
Here with my in laws I have probably seen many more pretty sights in the two years I have been living here than the sights I saw living with my dad my whole life. I went to San Francisco for our honey moon, that was amazing. I never thought I would see San Francisco. I have been to the beach over 15 times! My in laws really like hanging out at the beach. Oh, and last weekend we went to a really nice beach that I had never been too before. We went to the rocky side of the beach and we scavenged for crabs, something that I had never done before. I was not dressed for that occasion with jeans and a nice dress blouse but it was so much fun.. I saw a bunch of crabs, and we "rock climbed" over the sharp rocks. We found, well my father in law found a cool crab in the water that looked kind of like the green letters from the Matrix. Ha! I was amazed, I also apparently stepped on bat poop... There was this dark stuff on my foot and it looked like blood at first but then Manny told me it was bat poop. I hope they didn't lie to me about it. Anyway, that was a fun weekend.
I guess the point that ends up coming from this story telling is that sometimes, even if you have all the resources to do fun things, you end up falling under a routine and doing the same thing over and over. I know because that is what happened when I was living with my parents. I don't know if it is because my dad was so focused on one routine or he just didn't love us enough to want to show us around and allowing us to have a cool life. If you know that you can have fun with your life, go out and live. Do things that you might not be able to do when you are older. I know for a fact that I am going to try to have the most fun in my life before I decide to bring a child into the world because after that happens that is when I won't be able to have fun for myself.
So there you guys have it, a little personal post today... Just because it is Tuesday... Have fun guys,
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