Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there

In the past couple of years that I have been in a relationship and now married, there has been so many times when my husband and I talked about having kids. The thought of becoming a mother lingers in my mind to this day. Not that any of you might care, or maybe it is too much information but I am on birth control because I don't want to have a baby anytime soon. However, I have had conversations with my husband about what would happen if we were to have kids and this is were I give props to every mother out there, including my own.

When I was thinking about having a baby I thought about all the new foreign responsibilities that would come up. All the things that would have to change in order for us to be fit to take care of our child. All the sacrifices that we would have to make.... I realized that my mom gave up all of those things I still refuse to give up, my mom made all of those sacrifices that I refuse to make. She gave up a life of freedom to take care of her two daughters. Her life stopped being about her and became completely ours. She gave up her life for her children. I respect that so much... She was just 18 when she had me, and I am 20 and I am still refusing to have a baby.

So for all the mothers out there, I say happy mother's day... but everyday is mother's day, because mothers aren't just mothers one day of the year, they are mothers year round, 24/7, for their whole life after having their child. Even after their kids no longer live with them, they are still mothers because they will think of their kids all the time even after they no longer live together. I figured all of this out the minute that my husband and I started thinking about having a baby... When I am a mother I know all of these things will happen and for me to be able to have a baby, I have to be prepared to do all of these things. For the meanwhile, I will salute my mother and all of the mothers out there who don't hear this too often:
My mom, sister and me when we were just kids.
You are an amazing woman, congratulations on what you have achieved in life because I know it is hard to achieve things in life with kids, if anything at all. So, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you are amazing and I salute you because you are a brave an intelligent woman. Your children mean this and they love you dearly. I am pretty sure :)

Happy Mother's Day,

PS. I love you mom, thank you for raising us and loving us the way you do. I miss you and I wish I could be with you to wish you happy mother's day and happy birthday :)

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