It is funny how many times I actually go back and re-read my old posts. It is like going back on a time machine and talking to my younger self.
My little sister just started her own blog and she wrote some nice things. (Check it out right here minivized) Ever since she can remember I have been writing on my blog and now, she is at the age that I was when I started writing. I am happy to know that she is writing and finding a sense of self that way. I want this post to be about her.
You know, after I moved out, I left her behind. I never realized how big of an impact that had on her life. I should have been more considerate, I mean I though about it so many times, about how I missed her and that I had to see her more often. It affected her in a bigger way than most of the things I had been through.
Now that she is moving away with my mom I stop and think about how I am not going to see her at all... I am not going to be able to say that I want to bring her over to my house.. I am not going to be able to invite her to have dinner with me. I won't be able to go over to see how she is doing. She is my little sister and I want to spend as much time as I can with her. It bothers me that I won't be able to see her and that brings me to tell you that you have to value your family and never take them for granted. They are there today and you never know if they will be there for you tomorrow. Don't get caught up on the little things that bother you and make sure you are always there for them because they need you in their lives too and you might never realize the meaning that you have to them or how much they value you..
It took me so long to get this post out there, because I couldn't find the way to tell you guys about this in just any way. My little sister means the world to me. She has known me her whole life and I have known her for most of my life. It is so hard just to write without wanting to stop and cry my heart out because this means too much in my heart and I am afraid that this post is just becoming a bag full of emotions instead of what I want to portray. To tell you guys that if you have siblings to love them even for the bad things they do, even if you think that they are the most annoying thing in life... But one day you are going to sit back and think of all the memories that you have of them and you are going to understand everything I am writing because they won't be there then. There is going to be a day where you guys are going to be separated and you are going to miss the days when you saw them every single day of the week. I know that is what I miss. I miss messing around with my sister, making the silly movies we made. I miss having her around to play video games, I miss talking to her at night and there are a million other things that I used to do with her that I can't anymore... Makes me wish we had more time to spend together...
Little sister, I love you, always remember and never forget!
With love,
PS.... My post On having a sister from years ago....
i cried '-' :) thank you i wuv you :)