Friday, June 20, 2014

Time Organization

Life is so much busier when you are an adult. I have recently noticed that my time has significantly shortened, at least it feels like it. I figured I would write a little about this.

I haven't had time to do my blogilates, I believe I mentioned this before, it is the way that I work out. With my time shortened lately I can't do my videos and I end up very tired at the end of the day. I thought that I should come up with some things and tips to fix my schedule and my time organizing because it is getting to a point where I ended up backed up in my chores and in my other duties at home. (i.e. My writing and videos).

I want to clarify something before I go on. I have not put any of these tips to use yet. So I do not know if it will have a positive change in my actual schedule. I can come back in a couple of weeks and let you know if they worked for me.

Time Organizing Tips:

  • To begin, first I must start to get up earlier. Honestly, I have never been an early riser, I am for sure not a morning person. However, I believe that it is essential to wake up early everyday and go to sleep in a timely manner. Whenever I wake up early I ended up squeezing in a nap during the day. BAD!! I mean if you are really tired, a ten or twenty minute nap is fine. However, not an hour nap.
  • Second, get into a routine. I understand that sometimes routine gets boring, but I am not saying everything has to be a routine. If you just get in the habit of doing the things you must do throughout the day, eventually you will be able to do everything like if it was nothing. For example, I am trying to get into the routine of at least doing one load of laundry a day so that I don't have to struggle at the end of the week with a ton of dirty clothes.
  • Third, stop procrastinating. Yes, you do it, I do it. We tend to like to procrastinate and then blame it on "I don't have enough time," I do this too much so I figured that is the easiest way to get more time. Just get what you need to get done, done!
  • Fourth, find something fun to do. When you are getting things done in your day, find something fun to do so that your day doesn't seem boring. I like to listen to music, watch YouTube videos, or read a book. I know that this sounds not productive and you feel like this must be a waste of time if you are trying to save time. However, I believe that this will actually help out. I think this because sometimes we don't get things done because we don't feel good about our day or ourselves, or we are bored.
  • My last tip for today is, prioritize. Make a list of everything that you have to do and then do the more important things first. Get the things that matter the most (or maybe if they are going to take longer). If you have an idea of the important things that you need to get done, you'll get them done and time will be enough.
I have not tried this because well, I am a normal person and it takes time for someone to get into a routine. I have tried this in the past week and so far everything is looking good. I will let you guys know how everything works.

I just wanted to share this with you guys and I hope you guys find these helpful.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars book review

You guys probably know by now that I love my movies. Ever since I can remember I have been going to watch movies, just to tell you that I saw every single Harry Potter Movie at the theater. That's like, how many years? Eight? I am not sure, anyway, I want you guys to know that I am not only a movie lover, I also quite honestly love to read. I just hadn't had the chance to read recently, you know, getting married and all. Boy, do I have to make a post about everything that changed in my life recently? (Comment down below if yes! If you don't want to know, tell me down below too!)

Anyway, I love to read. I actually used to write many book reviews before, so another book review was long overdue. If you guys want to check out my other book reviews, I will link them at the end of this post.

A couple of days ago, I read the book everyone has been raving about: The Fault in our Stars. Yes, I gave in into peer pressure and read it. It took me two days to read it, but that's okay, it took me 2 and a half weeks to read the Twilight Saga, sorry off topic again.

I am sure, one way or another you guys have heard of the Fault in Our Stars, either by watching the trailer of the movie (That's how I found out), or reading a review, or walking in to Hot Topic. Point is, you might have heard of it. It is a love story of a cancer patient and it takes so many turns. Honestly, I don't think there is any more to say about it. It is a touching love story of a cancer patient who falls in love with a cancer patient survivor. You follow the two characters (Gus and Hazel) through their adventures and self-fulfillment. I found it very sentimental, but I didn't cry! If you read or saw the movie Sister's Keeper and liked it, you will like this one too.

I am sorry that I can't tell you anymore, but I don't feel like this story has much explaining. I know this comment alone might discourage you from reading the book, but don't let it. There are just some books that are hard to explain, you are just going to have to read this book and find out yourself.


My other book reviews:
Thirteen Reasons Why
Cirque du Freak/ Cirque du Freak Review on last book
Before I Die
(Don't Judge, these are from 2010)

PS: Here is the trailer for Fault in Our Stars in case you haven't seen it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Train Dragon 2

If you guys know me at all as a person you guys know that I secretly love cartoons! Anything from Despicable Me to Nemo. So, me being the little kid that I am I had to go watch How to Train a Dragon 2! If you guys have not seen the first one you guys definitely have to check it out! It is hilarious!

For those of you who don't know the gist of the story, which you should, but if you don't, here it is. How to Train a Dragon is a cartoon movie about Dragons! Cool Dragons if I may add. Just kidding, the story is about Vikings a long time ago who were in a sort of war with Dragons. The story is based around Hiccup(main character) and his friends. On the first movie they are at war with the dragons, but Hiccup eventually finds a way that he can befriend them and even ride them. Everyone in his island doesn't understand though, so he figures out a way to teach them about how to use dragons to their advantage. They eventually all learn how to ride and communicate with these amazing creatures and the story goes on. Everyone on the island eventually has their own dragon.

The sequel to this movie is a little bit different. The story begins with Hiccup and his friends, five years older and they live happily in the island full of dragon riders. Everyone, once again, has their own dragon. The plot of this story is that there is some Viking guy who is building a dragon army and is taking control of every single dragon he gets his hands on. Eventually taking over Hiccup's and his friends' dragons. The story goes on to many surprises, which I am not going to spoil. So if this sounds like something interesting, check it out. I'll link the trailer down below for How to Train a Dragon 2. Don't hesitate to watch it if it calls your attention. Besides, sometimes cartoon movies are meant to be for adults too..... (Your remember that one resident evil animated film, right?).

I believe that it is okay even for adults to watch cartoon movies, they not only make you smile but they rejuvenate your soul. Don't call me cheesy..... I am young at HEART and always will be.
Have a wonderful week,

Friday, June 13, 2014

My healthy recipes

I don't know if you guys remember when I posted up about things I do to try to stay healthy. I had someone ask if I could share one of the recipes I mentioned in that post and I figured that I might as well share some of my other recipes. Just a couple though because if I were to write every single one this post would be way too long. So without further ado, here are a couple of the healthy recipes I have been trying:

Banana-Strawberry Smoothie:
I don't want to take credit for this recipe because Manny actually came up with it I just changed it up a bit and made it a bit healthier.
Low fat Yogurt
Sweetener of your choice (Sugar, Honey, stevia)
I could technically tell you just to blend everything in the blender because that is what we do and that is how I learned to make this smoothie, but there are a couple of things I want to mention that make this smoothie taste so much better. A little tip I learned through YouTube videos is that you can freeze your bananas and strawberries (Just cut them into pieces and then place them in zip lock bags in the freezer over night) this will erase the need to add ice to make the consistency of the smoothie a little bit like ice cream. I love the consistency better when I have frozen my fruits over night. Also, an extra thing I like to add to it, is a tablespoon of Chia Seeds. They don't change the flavor or anything but they are good for you :) (Oh! I recommend you using low fat milk as well)

My Extra Sweet Green Juice
Now this one I came up with it all on my own!
Coconut Water
Making juice is fairly simple, I do not understand why I never tried it before. I don't even need a juicer! For this one I like to freeze only my strawberries, and I always make sure they are cut in really tiny pieces because if I don't then my Magic Bullet starts making funky noises. Anyway, I like to cut one apple into very tiny pieces, and put it in my blender, I add in my frozen strawberries, spinach and sometimes some alfalfa. When you have filled your blender with the ingredients add in the coconut water (Make sure it is water! Not milk or anything else, it should be clear!) After you add the water blend away! After it is done you should have like a green-pinkish consistency but once you strain the juice so you don't get any of the green leftovers or strawberry seeds it will look a very light green. I have to tell you it is so yummy! It doesn't even need any sugar.

Those are some of my Healthy recipes, if you guys liked this type of post let me know in the comments below so I can come up with more recipes for you guys because I actually have a couple more that I can share with all of you :)

Let me know and I'll make sure to add more of those,
have a wonderful weekend,

Sorry for the long absence

I feel so horrible! My life just has been at chaos these past week and I haven't been able to post anything on the blog because of it. I want to apologize to everyone, because to my surprise I got almost as many views as I do when I am posting things on a daily basis. So for all of you who came on the blog just to find nothing special, I apologize and I promise that I am going back to being consistent on the blog. Be prepared for some crazy and cool posts.

For example if you guys enjoyed our YouTube Channel, stay posted because a video is in the process of being uploaded on YouTube, I will still let you guys know when it is up. When it is ready I will make sure to link the video here:

Manny's Video - 5 Original Fairy Tales

Once again I apologize to all of you for being so late and skipping a whole week, but we just a had a really busy and chaotic time. However, if all goes well I can assure you the tide will calm down in the next couple of days.

Have a wonderful weekend :)


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Updated blog schedule

I have wonderful news for all of you. Maybe good news for some and maybe bad news for others, depending on how you think of the blog. I decided, with the help of my husband to change the writing schedule of this blog because I was getting a little too overwhelmed with having to write up one post per day. Manny suggested that I do two posts instead of four that way I can rest a little and not be too stressed about the blog. If anything, in the future I might decide to go back to the old schedule and give you guys a story a day, but for now I am taking a mini break so I can try and juggle YouTube and the blog at the same time. If you guys have any suggestions about the schedule, feel free to comment down below on what you think I should do, or what you prefer. I would love to know :)

So, without further ado here is the new, somewhat strange new schedule. Also if you guys are interested we will be uploading YouTube videos every Monday and Friday so check that out :)

Monday or Tuesday: Something about my life (A review, reflection, story)

Wednesday or Thursday: Something about what is going on in the world

Friday - Manny's List of the week

Don't miss out and come back and check on the blog often :)

Don't get caught up in "What ifs..." and live a little

I have been having the craziest of weeks this week!  I feel like I am so behind on everything! Laundry, bills, my fish, and of course the blog! Barely had enough time Sunday night to make the video and the blog about the Twisted ABC Show, but anyway, I am back (Even though my week will continue with its entire craziness).

I figured I would let you guys have a little peak on Manny's and my plans. Yes, there will be a crazy video done by Manny Friday. He is actu
ally putting a lot of effort of it so you guys should really be excited and pumped up for Friday! I am not even kidding.

Anyway, I thought I would make this post about some topics that have been lingering in my mind and I figured this would be the best of ways to set them at rest. How many friends do you have? One? A couple? Many? Either way you answer I am sure there is s
omeone in your life that you call a friend. I like to keep my closest friends really nearby. Here are the people that I consider my friends and family: I have my little sister, my husband, my mom, my best friend from High School, among others that are also very close but not close in distance (As in I don't see them often).

As some of you guys m
ay know, I lived in Mexico most of my early childhood, up to when I was in the 5th grade. I had friends over there too you know. Last night I was thinking about the life I left behind there and I started to wonder about what would have happened if I had never came over to the US. Would my parents be divorced? Would I still have married young? Who would be my close friends?

I was so intrigued by this I sent a Facebook message to my closest friend of my early childhood. I just, I was baffled so I had to talk to her. It had been years since last time I saw her and we had almost never spoken a word since I left. That is over ten years my friends! It was nice to have a chat with her and catch up on everything we have been through since I left. I told her that I had been thinking about what would have happened in my life if I had stayed over there, she told me the most reassuring words I had heard in a long time, "The 'what ifs' don't exist, only the present." It was kind of a wake up call because I have been feeling a little overwhelmed in my life lately and she reminded me that everything happens for a reason.

I felt like this was something I had to share with you guys, because it is very true. Please don't get caught up on thinking "what would have happened," "What if....." "How would it have been like if..." You will end up over thinking and wishing that everything was different, or that maybe your life could have been better if things have gone differently, when you have to start thinking about doing things that will make a difference in your present and future because the past is gone. Stop tormenting yourself.


Monday, June 2, 2014

A Twisted Review

My husband and I watched this show a couple of weeks ago on Netflix. It was so interesting and we were hooked from the first episode! If you guys would prefer to watch me talking about this video you guys can go ahead and look in our YouTube channel! If you guys don't know about that yet, you can read all about it here: Our New YouTube Channel. If you want to watch the video where I review this on video you can click here: A Twisted Review

Anyway, today I will talking about this very interesting show Manny and I watched. To begin with, this show is about a very twisted story. The plot is all over the place but that is what makes it interesting. The main character of this show is Danny and the story is about how he killed his aunt when he was young. During the pilot episode, the first five minutes is actually when he murders his aunt, the scene opens and he walks out to meet his two best friends and tells them that he had to do it. He admits to the crime and is sent to Juvi for about five years. When he is released he decides that he wants to go to the original high school he would have been at if he had never murdered his aunt. His two best friends, whose names are Lacey and Jo and at the school and he tries to approach them. Of course they freak out because he is a murdered and they blame him for their ruined childhood.

The show then revolves around secrets and mysteries that Danny carries with himself. You find out that things are really not what they seem they are and things change course multiple times. I just have to tell you guys the show is crazy twisted, seriously, you just never know what is going to happen.

I highly recommend it and you guys can watch it on Netflix, if you like the shows that keep you on your toes watch this one because you will for sure be on your toes! I assure you.

Have a nice Monday guys!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

A New YouTube Channel for Your Amusement

A couple of weeks ago Manny and I started a YouTube channel together. At first it was nothing big, just an idea in our heads. We uploaded one video, the Husband Tag and yesterday we just uploaded another one.

Manny came up with a schedule for our channel so we can make it a routine. Imagine? I was so surprised by this. Anyway, we came up with a schedule for the channel and we decided that Monday would be mine and Fridays would be his. So Monday I would post a video, every single Monday, about something that I was going to write on the blog that week. So for example, if I were to write a blog about a makeup product on Monday, I would make a video about that makeup product for YouTube, that way you guys get the choice of whether to watch my opinion on a video or read about it or even both if you guys are feeling like daredevils!

Friday, which is going to be Manny's Day, he would make a video related to his Friday post. You know how he posts lists on his day? Well he would make a video version of his post and that way you guys can see the list on video and hear him and everything or read it. I think this makes it better for you guys because you can interact with us in a more personal level.

Eventually, we want to let you in our lives a little bit more and we will start to vlog. Post up videos of our daily lives so if you guys are interested in this let me know in a comment below. I hope you guys are just as excited as I am for this chapter in our Journey. I am sure it is going to be a lot of fun. This new chapter will help us grow and we hope we can bring a little bit more joy to your home.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the video,

Our YouTube Channel: M+A :)