Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trip to the Getty Center 2010

Yesterday we spent a whole day at the Getty Center, which is this famous museum in LA. There was an exibit on this famous artist. Gerome, but they didnt allow us to take pictures of that. I did however, take pictures of many of the other exibits.The center of the garden. Here is where we started our journey around the museum. Very nice place to start

This was the first painting that we saw.

Haha, funny how it had to be a bug. XD

After this the real paintings and art started.

Well those are some of the paintings. I hope you all like them. I do want to reccommend you all if you have a change, visit the Getty Center in LA. It is a great experience.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 12

kay so today was weird.....

Well the dream.....

Or what happened when I woke up......

Well I stopped putting my alarm a couple days ago, because for some reason I have been waking up at 4:30 in the morning everyday, so no need for alarm. Today I woke up, again like everyday, and it was 4:36. Please don't ask me why I remember the exact time, I just do.

I also remember feeling really scared and on the edge to cry. There was just one word in my head. All I could think of was "evil," and it kept repeating itself in my mind, plus I felt frightened and in shock. It took me a long time to go back to sleep after that. I have no idea what it meant, or why it happened, but it did. Maybe it had something to do with what I dreamt, but I cant remember at all what it was.

So I am hoping that this doesn't happen again, because it was really not cool.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Something About Ghosts....

Do you believe in Ghosts????

That is today's question.

To be honest, I have never seen a ghost, like face to face, no. I have to admit though, I have been through some situations were it is really hard not to believe in them. A couple times I have heard strange noises, seen shadows that aren't supposed to be there, and seen things move when no one is moving them. I will not say that there isn't a logical explanations for these events, but sometimes one has to have something to believe in.

You know, I also sometimes wonder if there are really people like Melinda from Ghost Whisperer, who can actually talk to and see ghosts. If they can, do they help them out to solve their "unfinished business"? If so, how do they do that? You know, it would be really cool if I actually got to meet one of these people.

So, have you ever had any event happen that made you believe in ghosts, or any other supernatural thing? If you have, let me know, I want to know what happened. Comment.

Day 11

Today I had a funny dream....

I dreamt about school....

My chemistry teacher in specific....

Or shall I say chemistry class.....

The funny thing is, I am already in summer vacation, and I hadn't thought about school since school ended.

Anyway, my dream seemed to go really realistic. I didnt dream, or saw the part were I woke up to leave to school, everything started with me already being at school. Except, I was in my chemistry class. Did I mention that chemistry was one of the few classes where I actually had a little fun? Not because of the things that the teacher taught(that was really hard), but because of the people I spent it with.

So, moving on. In my dream, the teacher was talking about her dog. I know the reason for that though, when I had that class, she did sometimes talk about her dog. But, in my dream the whole class lecture was focused on her dog. I thought that was funny. She also talked to me, I cant remember what she told me though, I just remember us talking.

Then, class ended and my friends and I left to my next class. Then I woke up...

I am guessing I had this dream because I either miss that class, or something. Oh Well...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Course- Art Concepts 100

Today, I had my first class at a community college. It was actually pretty interesting, I had a good time. The thing is I can see the work piling up. It is the first day and I already have like three assignments to finish. Ugh, I hope I can manage.

You must be asking yourself, well what is this class about anyway? Okay, well, to my knowledge, it is about art. In today's lecture, the professor, talked about lines, space, and other art things. She said, that the world is a line. OOOH! She also told us the "focus" of our class. She said: "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." I thought that it was really interesting, for her to tell us something like that. Well I dont want to bore you with the lecture she gave us. So, I'll just leave it at that.

The other thing I wanted to talk about is that we will be going on a trip to the Getty Museum Center. If that's not the name oh well, I got pretty close. I do know that it is somewhere in LA and I will make sure to take a lot of pictures to show you guys.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Karate Kid & Jackie

Yesterday I saw Karate Kid. I just want to let everyone know, it was a great movie!! I loved it!! However, as I was writing to my friend about it, I realized that Jackie Chan is getting old. What is he, on his 50's? I think. Watching Karate Kid made me realize many things, and Jackie Chan's age hit me! :(
Well, like I said before it was a really good movie. Even though I have not seen the old ones, I am pretty sure that they must be better than this one. I still give kudos to Jackie though because he is a great actor and any movie he casts in is great. I mean who hasnt seen him in Rush Hour?

In case you havent heard of Karate Kid here is a summary from :
12-year-old Dre Parker could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts "the karate kid" on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.

So, if you have any extra time this weekend, try and watch Karate Kid. I really recommend it, except I am still disapointed with a scene in the movie that I didnt agree with. But Oh, well...

Day 10

I came to a decision. I am just going to write about dreams when I can actually remember something good. Not on the days that I cannot remember. So no more days that say, oh I cant remember what I dreamt. I hope that it helps that way. XD

Well today, I actually had a pretty interesting dream. A couple actually, that I could remember. I dreamt I got into a fight with my parents. It was awful really, they screamed at me, and made me mad, then I just ran out of the house. The funny thing was I came to a big soccer field, and it really looked like the world cup fields.XD I have no idea why, I am guessing I dreamt with that because of the things going on. Anyway, I got to the soccer field and it was full of people, the crowd was really big. My dad was following, and I hid with the crowd. Pretty easy way to get him to give me up for lost because he left. Then my mom showed up, but she was able to find me. She talked to me, and she understood everything, I cant remember precisely what we talked about, but soon she told me that I could take all the time I needed to think. Then she simply left. Ha ha, and then I woke up. Weird huh?

My other dream, well all that I can remember, or better said wrote down is that I stole a car. I have no idea how that happened because I didn't write it all down, but yeah, that's it, I stole a car. I am just hoping it was a nice one. XD

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Upcoming adventure->Summer nights

Right now I really want an adventure. Specially because summer is coming, and it takes a while for a real adventure to show up at your doorstep you know. I should know, Ive never had a real adventure to talk about. Yeah, Ive moved a lot, so what?! Every time we move it is basically the same story over and over.

Last summer I had something going on and that took my chances of having any type of adventure. Yeah, I fell and hit my head in the pool floor, XD but that wasn't an adventure. I was just really clumsy and fell for not watching my step.

Anyways! This summer I might have a lot going on. Might go take a summer course at my near community college. That might bring an adventure. Then again, it might be just like school and I will just be bored all summer.

Though, we are going to go to Tijuana for a graduation. Actually, that is next week, there is still a chance that we wont go. But it is more likely that we will go. I am guessing that would mean, I will have the chance to look for an adventure. XD Any kind, hopefully it is fun.

Other than that I don't think I will have any other chances at adventure. That means I will just have to take out my swimsuit and flip flops and spend my time at the pool. Who knows I might hit my head again and lose my memory!!! XD Lets really hope that it doesn't happen though. I don't want to lose my memory.

I will find something to do, and make sure I have enough to keep this interesting. Even though, I feel like no one really reads it and its just here because I put it there.

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Day 7, 8, and i think 9 XD

Okay, so I have not been able to do the experiment these last days. However, tonight I will try again. Even though I doubt it'll make any difference, I have been really tired these last days, so it has been really hard to wake up in the morning. I do remember something, I know I have been dreaming for sure, because when I wake up in the mornings to get ready for school, I always realize I must not forget something. Like the other day, I was supposed to take an specific shirt, and in the morning, I woke up thinking about that. So dreams do help, and trying to remember them has helped me plenty.

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Clones of Society

Have you noticed all the trends going around on music, movies, fashion, styles, interests even!? Do you ever wonder why people follow all those trends? The people that do everything they do just for one simple reason: it is popular! That is it, they could hate it one day and the next they are in love with it just because everyone else says so. I would agree that most people have done this at least once, not everyone but most. Sometimes even without noticing that you are doing it. In your head something tells you to do it, because it is what they are doing. I know that I have probably done it. Why wouldn’t you have?

Let’s give an example, Twilight. As in today, everyone seems to be into the Twilight Saga. A couple years back, everyone was into the books, and I think it is fair to say they still are. Now, people probably started reading the books because everyone was talking about them, I know I did. To me it seemed that Twilight really became trendy over night, or was it because they turned it into a movie. I really have no idea, but I do know that all of the sudden Twilight was everywhere, and people liked it because of one reason: it was in style! Though, why was it popular? Was it really good or was it the vampires? I would understand if it were a few people that liked it, but why when someone heard about it did they rush to read the books and watch the movies. I have to admit, when I heard about it, I was all into it, I couldn’t get enough of the books, but then I realized. This wasn’t what I liked, this wasn’t me, and I was not into vampires like that. I was not team Edward, or Team Jacob. So, why say I liked it when I really didn’t at all? I wouldn’t doubt that I am not the only one who thinks this way.

Is it really the fact that everyone likes something because someone makes it “popular”? One of my friends told me something, and I thought it was nothing but the truth. Maria Guevara told me: “Each and everyone are different, unique in their own way. Soon though, does one establish a line of ‘normality,’ a line based on what most people would call normal- similarities between some. It is in our nature to be part of that line, but then it goes too far.” Is that line of normality part of all the trends? People do what they do because they want to be part of that line, and they do not want to stand out. But then that makes me wonder, why wouldn’t anyone want to stand out? It is nice to stand out, to be seen different, not like everyone else. Why make yourself part of a group of clones? Why not be born as a unique person, and have in mind that there are not two of you, you are the only one in your species, why make yourself extinct to become something else?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I know that I like to be seen as me, not someone else who is into the exact same things everyone is likes. So, go ahead, and show your true colors, it might make you look weird or very different, but who cares! This is you, why change it for something that doesn’t define you at all. “There are more followers than leaders who really don’t think for themselves.” Andrew Portillo told me. So, what is it going to be, are you going to follow the steps of everyone else, or create a path of your own. Followers, either follow because they have no imagination to create what they want, or because they really have no head to realize that they are just being manipulated by the people to do what everyone else wants not what you do. Maybe if you stopped and thought about something before actually doing it, you would find out if this was really you or just someone else.

Now, I wonder what is it going to be like, when everyone stops following what everyone else does. Everyone would be different, no single person alike. So, what is going to be, are you going to be a clone of society or yourself?

Monday, June 14, 2010

DAY 5 & 6

Okay, so I actually got a couple of interesting things out of my dreams these last days. On Sunday I was able to retrive 2 dreams. First one was a little weird. So, I was at this trip, with my parents, I think we were somewhere in TJ. Anyway, I went outside to do something, and then I found myself hiding. For some reason I was really scared, and I ran and hid behind one of those big trash dumster. The ones that look like this>>

Well, I stayed there, and then all of the sudden the worst thing happens. The floor seems to be moving and changing color. First, from black to white and then green. I soon only realize that it is crawling with maggots and those green Egyptian scarabs. For some odd reason I wasn't scared of the scarabs, but of the maggots. I would say it is because they are more disgusting, at least to me. Well, as soon as I was out of the shock I started screaming, and everyone came to see if I was okay. When they came the little bugs were still there, but everyone kept telling me there was nothing there. Soon they all started calling me crazy. Apparently no one else could see the insects.

My dad's interpretation of this dream was pretty interesting and accurate, well it wasn't an interpretation. He said I dreamt this because I have been watching Ghost whisper, which is about a lady that sees ghosts. I couldn't find the connection, but then he explained that I was seeing things that no one else could see, and that is what the lady of Ghost whisper goes through.

Well, my second dream was more simple... I dreamt that we got a really big package, and inside was a violin for me and a guitar for my sister. That was it. Oh, well... lol....

Now, today, I did not remember any dreams. I am guessing that the reason for that was that I was too lazy in the early morning so I didnt write it down. So yea... I did not get todays dream. Ill try to get one tonight...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Arthur Henderson

Okay, so this is my second character profile.... I hope you guys think that its better than the first one... This one kinda goes hand in hand with the first one. So, here you go and enjoy :)

<<Setting: Futuristic place, a modern LA. The city's name is Cane
Problem: A young man, he is hiding along the tunnels, which are a group of rebels that are against the CPs(Cane Police). He is going to find his way around and eventually joins forces with Lily Greene (who is the girl from my last character profile).
Name: Arthur
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Hobby: He is into knives and swords. He makes his own, and most of the weapons that the tunnels use.
enemy: He has been with the tunnels since the beggining. He was actually one of the first ones to join them to rebel against everyone else.
lover: I was thinking about Lily, but I dont know, I might change my mind
Physical description: Tall, and built. Brown eyed, and brown haired.

After(Present, now that he is with the tunnels)>>

DAY 3 & 4

Okay, so that dream experiment hasnt caught up with me these last days. I was really busy with homework and all the school finals things. I had to catch up with all those. So, I didnt have the energy to wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and try to remember my dreams. Though, something interesting did happen. I woke up this morning, and I remembered something that I was supposed to do because of a dream. So, hopefully this is going to have some advantages as well. Well, I will continue today, and tell you more tomorrow. I will make sure to have my alarm for 3 in the morning, and hopefully remember something interesting that time.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

DAY 2 of dreaming experiment.

Well, today I tried remembering dreams again. Tonight, I actually remembered something at 2 am. I was really surprised because it was basically just an image. The only thing I was able to remember was a string. Thats it! I have no idea if that was suppose to mean anything. The only reason I remember is because I actually wrote it down. So, tonight I'll give it another try, and hopefully something more than a string comes up. Haha. Something more interesting huh?
Oh. Something funny happened. I was called crazy! My dad was awoken by my alarm and he said I was crazy and asked me why i was doing this. Shesh. Its an experiment, I told him. I guess I am kinda crazy, for I'm actually doing this. O well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

DAY 1 of dreaming experiment.

Last night I tried remembering what I dreamt. However, I wasn't really successful. I woke up around 2 or 4 in the morning and i remembered what I had been dreaming that night. However I was lazy and didn't write it down. By morning I had forgotten. :(
Tonight, I will make sure I do write it down, and tell you what happens later.

My friend

We've gone through oceans with courage.
We've gone through deserts with pain.
We've seen a million stars,
but never reached for one.
At first you were a stranger,
just another face in the crowd.
Through the years I met you,
through the years we lived.
I learned your secrets,
and kept them inside.
You told me your problems,
and I helped you through.
When it came to mine,
you just listened.
After time you left me behind,
you moved on, and after time, so did I.
But I will tell you,
you will forever remind my friend.
I wrote this a very long time ago, I am going to go with last year, during summer... It is for a friend that I used to have, and things poped up, and he basically stopped talking to me. So..... yeah.....


I just started this. i will start posting directly from my cell from time to time. tht way i can keep u updated more often.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Origin of Dreams

Lately I have been wondering about dreams. What do they mean, what do they hide?

Someone once told me that it is your spirit traveling outside your body. However, I thought that was silly, then I started to wonder, could it be? Besides, I probably dream every night, though, it is really hard to remember what you dreamt. Then, I asked myself, why do we dream? Where do they come from?

So, I went ahead and researched a little about dreams.
I found out that in earlier civilizations people used to believe that dreams were an alternative world, another place where one could enter when in the state of sleep. Others believed it was the departure of the soul from the body, or the split of soul and body. Well, this is the past, what is it that experts believe now?

Well, different people have different ideas about dreams. According to Freud, dreams are a desire. Something you lodge for. However, other people think that these are memories or of our brain trying to solve problems.

Anyway, I also found out that dreaming is likely to occur in your deepest state of sleep(REM sleep). This doesn't mean that you won't dream during a light sleep stage, but that it is very less likely. There were some studies made not so long ago (1960) that showed what happens when you don't have any or enough REM sleep. It was found that people tend to gain appetite, irritability, and lack of concentration. So I suppose, everyone needs a lot of sleep!!!

Now, when you think that you didn't have any dreams, are you right? Actually, I was really surprised by this, but that is incorrect, you dream A LOT over one night. Well, maybe not that much, but several times a night. Actually, the average time that a person spends dreaming in a lifetime is 6 YEARS!!

Okay, so if we dream so much, why cant we remember? Well, experts have found that 5 minutes after you have had a dream, you will have forgotten 50 % of that dream. Ten minutes after, you will have forgotten 90%. L. Stumpell believed that the fact that dreams are vague and unique in their own way, it makes it harder to remember plus really EASY to forget. Another reason is because most of the time dreams are not repeated.

There are some things that could be done to help you remember your dreams. Here are some tips I found around the web:
  • Tell yourself that you will remember your dreams before you go to sleep.
  • Keep pen and paper so you can write down your dreams when awakened.
  • Set an alarm every 1 or 2 hours. Wake up, and write your dream down. (it is more likely that you will forget by morning) - I will try this, and experiment a little. Ill let you know my results by the end of next week.
  • First thing you do when you wake up is rethink about your dream. Don't move, forget everything else and focus on your dreams, and make sure you write them down because you will probably forget after 10 minutes.

Okay, so I guess this is for now. Try doing this, and let me know how it goes. Did you remember anything important? Are your dreams interesting? Did this help?
