Friday, January 28, 2011

Time Traveler's wife

The Time Traveler's Wife (film)Image via Wikipedia
A couple days ago I watched this movie, and you wouldn't believe how many tears it got out of me. Time Traveler's wife was really a great movie, and very emotional for me. lol. I liked it regardless though, it was a really nice movie. Maybe just for that day, and I might not see it again, because it is one of those that you only see once and you'll remember for the rest of your life. Well that is how I feel about it.

I liked the whole story-line, it didn't get my attention until the complications started, and when things started going wrong, but it got my attention. It might not be everyone's choice, and you might not watch it because you want to, but I hope that if you do, you'll like it :)


PS I am sorry for not writing as much.. I don't think I have to explain myself again. But yeah.... Three words

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Legend of the Guardians

I cannot remember when, but sometime last year I saw this movie. I know it is a long time and you are probably asking yourself "why is she writing about this?" But I feel like I haven't put enough time on my blog lately. I have a really good reason though..... I AM HAPPY AND LIVING MY LIFE!!!
Anyway, that I am living my life to the fullest doesn't mean I don't have my free moments here and there. So whenever I can I came back and write. Though, I should take into consideration that not many people read my blog.... but anyway....
Legend of the Guardians was a good movie in my opinion. Just my opinion. :)

Even though before I saw it I thought that it was going to be a horrible movie because it was about animals, and I didn't find any point in it. At the end I found that it was really good. I liked the message it portrayed and the plot and the characters. Jejeje, plus, I'll tell you a secret..... I saw it in IMAX :) For the first time I saw a movie in IMAX, funny maybe that's why I liked it so much, but who knows. Oh PLus I loved the song, To the sky by Owl City. :)

I'd love to keep writing, but I got a life to live

Friday, January 14, 2011

A little justification....

As you probably have seen I haven't really written anything these last few weeks... and well I have to admit, it goes further than that..... I haven't written in a long time, at least nothing that I see worthwhile, unless you think the opposite....
I don't know if you read earlier that I had a couple of inconveniences... well not really inconveniences but more like personal problems.... Well I think that they are all over now. Bad thing about that is that I am having such a good time lately, I hardly have any time or better said... I hardly remember to write. On here at least, because I make sure I document my life one way or another. (Journal XD)

Anyway, like I said life took a turn for me, a while back. I started feeling happier and realized that no one can make me happy unless I make myself happy... um.... How do I explain that without having it sound so funny???
Well, I can't be happy if I am not comfortable with myself and that didn't happen until I stopped caring a little for other people and started being a little selfish.... jeje I know, more than I already am.

You know it actually works wonders.... These last few months I have been smiling like I hadn't smiled in years, I have been having the time of my life, even though sometimes I do remember that I've hurt other people's feelings in the past.  
Though, that was in the past, and we can't live the present in the past.....
We need to live for today and never for yesterday or tomorrow.....


Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! 2011

