Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dream #28 Driving?

Well this weekend I spent it at my cousin's house in Los Angeles, and I had a great time. However who would have thought that I would remember the dream I had. Well I really don't know, but while we were on our way back it just flashed in my head and I remembered every single detail. I knew that I wouldn't forget it because it was really clear, but I wrote it down anyway.

I dreamt that I had to go to school, I was late and my parents were now where to be seen, no one could drive me to school. So, I decided to take a big truck that was just outside my house, I really have no idea how that happened because I don't think that's possible. I guess a dream is a dream, right? Anyway, I took the truck, which was just like the one on the picture, only difference is that it was gray. I got to school alright, parked the truck somewhere near school, along a really tall wall. Went to all my classes and at the end of the day I gave a ride to most of my friends. When I got home I found out that I had gotten a parking ticket, and it was awful. No one had noticed that I took the truck. (Apparently it was my dad's). Now I had to tell them, because I had gotten a parking ticket.So I told my dad and he wasn't mad, but happy that I didn't crash or something. Then I woke up. Weird huh?

Well, I don't know, but I think I dreamt this because my dad's been telling me that he's going to take to take the written driving test. So that I can get my permit. I am really excited about that, he said that maybe after I get my license, he'll get me a car. Isn't that great?! lol.. I can't wait.
Annie ♥

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