Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why are teenagers so attracted to the social media?

This thought literally come to mind last night. I thought about it too much though because this might end up being a rant on video or maybe not because I am so attracted to the social media.

I have to say that when I was in high school, social media was a must have. Everyone was on Myspace, that is the first thing I remember. I also remember how strict my parents were about that. I had to make a Myspace profile behind their backs and be so careful that they didn't catch me on it because that would be the end of me! Anyway, after Myspace passed along, with a good life if I dare to add, Facebook came along!

I had to check my Facebook at least once a day because if I didn't I would die! Since I got out of high
school and into life, I don't stress over it as much as I did before. I mean, I am not going to be a hypocrite and say that I am not a Facebook fan because I am and I still check it often. Not as often as I did when I was in high school but often enough. Also, I am not attracted to it for the same reasons I wanted to be on Facebook before. For example, back then I wanted to be on Facebook so I could be on contact with my friends and my boyfriend. I also liked to see what was going on with other people. Don't lie because you do that too!

Now, it is different. I use my Facebook to talk to my mom mostly. I erased many people that I had added when I was in high school because I found no point to having random people that I had never spoken to on my high school years. Why have those people there, I mean before I could make an argument that I might need some homework, or to find out special school event dates. However, I would for sure not make that argument after I graduated. Eventually, if anything, I will start adding former co workers or classmates from college, but eventually those friendships will shatter as well because only some of them last.

Back to my point, I think that kids now a days are attracted to the social media because it is a thing that everyone has. I mean, Instagram! I love it, I am not going to lie because that is one thing I do love to check everyday because some pictures are amazing. However, instagram is not like facebook. There isn't a lot of personal interactions other than the commenting and liking of pictures. Facebook gets more personal and people kind of humiliate each other there. I suppose we
can say that Facebook looks like it is going to have a pretty long life. I am not sure whether I made the point I was trying to say.... Hmm.. People want to be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, because that is the thing to do nowadays. You could probably find just about anyone on those sites, unless they blocked you or they don't own a computer....

So yea, keep on playing around on those social medias my friends, I know I will,

I am on the social medias too! Check it out:

Follow me on twitter: Sakurannie
Facebook: Sakurannie1
Check out my awesome pictures on instagram: Sakurannie#

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