Well, a couple days ago I was reminded how important are some people to me, most of all my family and friends. This is not the first time I realize what an important role they play in my life. I have noticed before, but I never take the time to show them all how much they mean to me, and how much I love them.
First of all, my cousins. I have so many it is hard to keep count, but I know them all by heart. Maybe there are a few I haven't met, but I am quite fond of most of them, specially the children of my dad's brothers. We are all along the same age, so we get along great. Many are in Mexico, so I really don't get to see them very often. They are there regardless, and I make sure to never forget about them.
Next, my parents. I know that they love my sister and I, but sometimes I do feel like they suffocate us a little. I guess they are strict because they want us to be safe. I know that one day I am going to wake up and realize that everything they told me was true and everything will make sense. However, for now, I am a teenager that wants them to leave me alone. Haha, just kidding. I know that they do what they do because they love us. :-) So, thank you so much. For most teenagers, I am sure your parents do what they do because they are wiser and have gone through what you are going, and just want you to make better choices.
Now, my friends. Believe it or not, I have met some people that have changed my life entirely. There have been and are friends in my life that have done really nice things for me. I believe there are three types of friends, those who come and stay, those who come for a season then leave, and those who stay to be more than friends and sometimes became close to family. I have met all three of those, and all have had an impact on my life. Many which I still know and talk to. Thank you guys!!! They are the best, always there for me.
There is also sometimes that special person that comes to you and into your life. The one that seems to be perfect for you. I have no words to describe what they can to your life, because they have the power to either make it better and change the way no one can possibly do, or they can destroy it to a degree were it takes everything out of you to put it back together. I just know that at first everything seems like a perfect dream, and you won't know if it's a nightmare until you figure that person out. When that person comes in, I am sure they will make things better, and they will like you for who you are not for what other people see you as. :-)
So, when it is time, make sure you tell that person, how much change they do, and what impact they make. So speak up and let them know you care. I do. :-)
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