Lets start with names, shall we?
I am Annie, just a normal teenager, wanting to speak up just a bit. I want to share my ideas, my life, my everything. Writing is just a way that I could free myself. Its like the way I let my feelings get heard. You know what I mean?
Well I am sure I am not the only one, first one or last one that does this. I know that there are many people wanting to be heard, and they just don't get the chance. It is called freedom of speech, and there are just enough people that dont have it. I always think about that, how is it that people manage to go around without letting out the way they feel, and the way they think about others. Not necesary bad, but just opinions. It just sounds aweful... At least to me, if you know what I mean.....
Okay, well back to names... (not really.... ^o^)
I am a high school student. Currently writing for my school newspaper. yay!! ^o^ Ive always wanted to let people know what I know and feel through my writing. I want to persue a career in the Communications field, but I also want to publish, mm, just a few books. How great would that be?? I have no idea. I just cannot imagine how I accomplished I would feel when I know people all over the country are reading something I wrote... That is basically why I am writing this. I dont know if you already think that this is boring. "Ugh, just another blogger!" I dont really care if you read it or not. I just want it to be out there. Reachable. An option. YOu know?? If you read it or not, I dont mind. The fact that I posted it, and placed it here is enough for me. Makes me happy. So if you want to stop reading it, and you dont care about what i have to say, then go ahead, no one will stop you. I promise.
I dont know what I am going to write on the blog. It could be from books, to music styles or genres. I might even go in detail to my life, going personal. Well probably, thats what this is about, right?
Right now I just feel like its the time to speak up. Ive wanted to do this from a while ago, and now that I am, I might just have enough ideas for a while. I'm sure you will find out about my next big "adventure," my next move(i move too much), my best friend, my crazy life, my interests, everything basically.
So..... I'll post as often as possible. Letting you know what is going on with me. :-)
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