Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 21 I have no idea of this one

Today, I wrote a lot on my notebook. Well just like a paragraph, and to me it is really hard to believe that I wrote all that! It sounds really crazy. Somethings in there that I couldn't have imagined. You know, because I really can't explain this one I am just going to write it on here just as I wrote it on the notebook. Not one word will be changed.

Stuck in tunnels, don't know how to get out. Many people in there.The people there start dying. One girl gets pregnant and she has four babies. Guy comes up to me and asks for help, a dog is trying to kill him. We knock over the dog's food and trap him in the container. Before this happened there was a part were we went to the water and just swam. It was like a school, because there was also a teacher.

I am still completely amazed at how all this comes from my hand. Plus I've noticed that every time i write it a dream down, I also write the date. I never miss it. Then, I start looking back at all of the things I've written and some of them are really long with a lot of detail. Others are just words, others just a few sentences.

Well it is too bad that I couldn't explain this dream. The truth is, I think it has to be explained to me too. I don't get it. Well until I write again.

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