Friday, September 17, 2010

Things people do while driving....

Today while I was on the bus, I looked out the window and started noticing the things people do while driving. You probably already know this, because either you've seen it or do it yourself.

So, by the end of my very enjoyable bus trip, which reminds me, they transferred our bus today(weird),  I concluded the top 3 things that people do (according to me):
  1. Text - I saw way too many people texting, I should have known
  2. Eat or drink - Many had some kind of drink or food in their hands
  3. I saw many girls doing this, you might as well guess, Make-up - I suppose they were running late
So, it is my guess, but sometimes people do stupid things behind the wheel. I mean, if your going to drive,  might as well try to drive right.Oh well, I guess people really don't like to follow rules. Then they wonder.. why do accidents happen?... ugh..

I also looked up online what people do while driving, and I found the most bizarre things. I mean real bizarre: People shaving, reading, changing clothes, there was something about kissing and making out too... okaaay.....

What else can people do?!


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